"Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends" Puck

What a joy it is to explore a Shakespeare play with children!!! We have had so much fun this week in class and in the forest beyond the field! We started by exploring power and status before we went through the whole play on Tuesday- this is called a “swoosh” were we understand who is who and the plot! We have invented some pretty scary fairies and today we explored how the four worlds in this play collide! Great fun so much creativity!

We were joined this week in maths by our new teacher Mrs Gregan - she was delighted with our deep understanding of fractions and decimals and she intends to start with this on our return in September! In History and RE we have studied Islam and the spread of the Islamic Empire - so interesting to know what was happening in Persia when Britain was still in the Dark Ages! Below are models we made of Baghdad 900! Such an amazing place. In Art Mrs Curtis has completed the collage topic and I have to say that the final pieces are amazing - really creative, the children have learnt so much about this medium! We said goodbye to Madame Jefferson for the summer as our French lessons came to an end - and we look forward to more French culture in Year 6.

In RHE we explored “self talk” and how this can be negative and positive- it is something we could all relate too, but we hadn’t really thought about how it impacts on our friendships. Fun was had in PE as we smashed the ball in rounders - Mrs Harrison gets carried away!

It has been a blast!

We are all planned for next week - there will be time for us to watch the Year 6 play online and we hope to finish the term watching the BBC production of A Midsummer Nights Dream (PG).

As you will be aware - sadly Covid 19 has reached our school and some classes have now been affected. It is my hope and wish that Year 5 have a lovely final week full of meaningful learning opportunities that also celebrate our time together.

Please remain safe and vigilant.


Grow Your Brain Certificates this week went to: Olivia, Harry and Victor!!! Well done all


If you have your gratitude diary at home can you please bring it in - so that it can go to your new class

We will be spending Wednesday first lesson with our new teacher.

If you have any school library books at home please bring them in next week - we will be giving them out for the holiday but we need a good record of who has what - thank you.