Year 5 homework to be handed in on Friday 17th September

Dear parents,

A couple of apologies to start with. Firstly, the T1 unit on IXL I had accidentally kept the shift key down when pressing 1 and you got a ! instead. Be assured I will never set a whole IXL unit. Secondly, I need to change the handing in day for homework from Thursday to Friday. We simply can’t do homework books and swimming on the same day - that would be madness!!!


I have now tested the children’s comprehension and fluency (words per minute) I have shared the results with the children. They know their ZPD and their current reading age. We have an agreed points target for the half term so it is time to read read and read and then quiz quiz and quiz. Please make sure you are reading everyday.


We have been reading and exploring numbers to 1 million. We have a good understanding of he column values. I would like the children to complete A1 and A2 on IXL.


This week we had some fun trying to remember the continents and then as many countries of Europe as we could! We used fun interactive map on the internet to learn them. Please spend time learning as many as you can. Press the link below.


We have been exploring Legends in English - but we have discovered that the Greeks loved a Legend. They had so many heroes and heroines! I have made links below to short films depicting these some of these. It would also be great if the children watched Hercules the 1997 Disney film (yes that is you homework!) - available on Netflix and Disney plus and Prime video.


I have set you a book to read (chapters 1 and 2) in Purple Mash “Mathos” it is set in Ancient Greece. Once you have completed it you need to complete the other Purple Mash task - Quiz for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

Thank you - enjoy!