Year 6 Weekly Blog - "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."

Kindness doesn’t cost anything, it is something that we can all give and it makes our world a better place. This week, our class worship centered around kindness. Another one of the Kingdom of God values. We reflected on what kindness truly is and asked ourselves when we have felt kindness. Seeing little acts of kindness around the classroom and on the playground throughout the week has been really lovely.

Mrs Webster has been busy taking the photographs to use on the leadership board in the hall. Here is a sneak preview of the photographs. I am so excited for the service they will give this year.

To often we teach students what to think and not how to think.

Over the past few weeks we have been discussing metacognition and retrieval within our class. Initially, the children were not familiar with the term, or they did not understand what they were being asked to do. Metacognition is thinking about thinking. It is the children understanding how they best learn. What their strengths and development points are and how to manage these for the best outcomes.

In each lesson the children are being challenged to retrieve prior information. This may be from a prior lesson or even a prior year group. We are trying to develop their building blocks and for them to make links. You will have noticed that I asked them to retrieve information on volcanoes for homework last week. This was taught in Year 4, but it links to the mountain formation of South America. This week, the children need to go over their prior spellings, focusing on the ones that they struggle with. They are being asked to bank the information, not to forget it.

There are a number of ways which this is developed in class. Daily mathematical fluency that revisits concepts from last year, last term and last week. Grammar fluency that covers concepts taught from Year 3 through to 6 and vocabulary covered in previous novels and subject areas. We played cops and robbers this week in geography. What knowledge do we know and can bank? What knowledge can we rob and add to our toolkit?

Keep prompting your child’s memory at home. What can they tell you about their learning from the day? How do they learn best? How can we all develop our long term memory?

Last week we treated you to a video of the children’s musical talents, this week it is French. Madame Jefferson has been working with the children to develop their understanding of the weather. A group of children decided to go away and practise their sentence work. With the help of the green screen, we have put together our own French weather broadcast. Enjoy!

Leading Learning

It has been a really exciting week of learning in Year 6! From deforestation of South America, to converting measures, to writing diary entries, to learning about world organisations that support world poverty…it has been a fast paced week. Thank you all for your baking photographs, I have loved seeing them this week (even if my mouth was watering!)

This week our certificates have gone to Harry and Penny. Harry is such a beacon of light. He treats everyone with such kindness and compassion - no matter who they are. He is a true delight to teach! Penny has been inspired to write this week. Not only has she been writing in class, she has also bee writing at home and sharing these stories with us. Well done Penny…you have shone this week!

Applying to high school

Just a reminder that the deadline is 31st October 2021. Please click on the link below to take you to the LCC website to apply.

If you are applying for your child to attend St Bedes, there will be an additional form to complete as well. Faith forms have gone home this week. I am aware that some have already been completed and already sent back to St Bedes. Please complete any outstanding ones and send them back into school alongside a copy of your child’s birth certificate.

If anybody has any questions about the process, please do get in touch and I will help in any way that I can.


All children need to have an art shirt in school for their lessons on a Friday. Please can these be brought in on Monday. We will be doing some of our own art in class next week.

Please do visit Miss Hornby’s blog for important information.

School photographs will take place on Wednesday. Full school uniform is required for the class photograph. No PE kits will be needed on that day.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. Hopefully the sun will shine.

Mrs Gregan and the Year 6 team