Year 3 17.09.21 'They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel'

Year 3 have not stopped this week, they have immersed themselves in all of their learning and have shown just how eager they are to grow their brains! They have really impressed us this week with how much they love their reading, coming in on Monday with many of them so eager to quiz, it was truly wonderful to see. We had a long discussion this day on how it is not the amount of times that we quiz that counts, but whether we are challenging ourselves with the books we read, whether we enjoy what we are reading and of course how well we understood what we have read. The children have really took this on board and we are seeing much more suitable choices in regards to books.

We started off the week with such a pleasant surprise- our first assembly in the hall. Although the infants did not join us, it was so lovely to celebrate all of the Year 6 jobs as a key stage and Year 3 listened and sat so beautifully.

On Wednesday, the children shared their Class Council speeches and what a job they did too! From poems, to posters, motivational speeches and even videos with guest appearances! They all did a fantastic job, speaking out so confidently and bravely in front of their class. What we were most proud of, was the support and encouragement they all gave to one another, hence the quote title today. Thank you Year 3 for being supportive of one another.

It was a very close vote, but the two children with the most votes were:

Ella and Liam

Congratulations to you both, I am sure you will represent Year 3 incredibly well.

On Thursday we continued our coding work in computing, by learning how to create a ticking clock, by creating ‘Code blocks’. We had to create a sequence of instructions to make our clocks tick  and ring a bell. All of the children showed their resilience, tweaking and problem solving their work until they had successfully completed the task.

In RE we continued to think about God’s world. We thought about some of our favourite things about the world and shared these together. We have also been thinking about our families, reflecting on our happy memories and thinking about what we can do to help one another.

We ended the week with our first spelling quiz were we focused on the spelling rule: ’dropping the ’e’ when adding the ’y’. We had lots of 100% which has set the bar very high! Keep up the great work Year 3, I wonder if we could get everybody to beat or maintain (those of you who got 100%) your score next week…


Year 3 Learning this week …

In English this week, we have continued our fables work, focusing on the morals and sequencing of the stories. There were some wonderful sentences created when we sequenced ‘the Lion and the Mouse’.

The Maths focus continues to be place value, this week we have looked at drawings to represent numbers up to 1,000 and looking at the value of each digit.

Let’s Celebrate!

Millie for being focused and brave:

You pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone by sharing a wonderful speech in front of your peers. We have also been impressed by your wonderful focus during each and every lesson! You set yourself goals and you stay focused to make sure you achieve them. This is fantastic to see Millie. We cannot wait to watch you grow and achieve your goals this year! Well done Millie!

Bella for being focused:

We have been so impressed by your focus this week! During our gymnastics lesson you concentrated carefully, managed your distractions and created a beautiful sequence! Not only have we seen your focus this week, we have also spotted your kindness. You are always one of the first to offer their help, making you a great learning partner! Well done Bella, we are so proud of you!


  • Still outstanding forms need to be competed.

  • Please see the Home Learning section of the Year 3 page to see your child’s home learning this week