Year 5 Home Learning to be completed by Friday September 24th

When the children complete their IXL I receive a celebratory email - it was pinging away last week! Thank you!


Please read every night. Make sure you have a well established reading routine - once you have that you never want to miss the next installment of your book!


More place value this week. Please complete A3, A7 and A9 of IXL.

English/History and Creative writing

I have set you the next two chapters of Mathos on your Purple Mash. Then I would like you to complete the writing task also set on your Purple Mash. This is asking you to predict what will happen next! Make this a well written plausible (makes sense) prediction - just like the one you did in class for Gelert.

Science research - action home learning

Where do DUNES come from? How old are the oldest dunes in the world?

I would like you to have a family walk on the dunes when you have time over the next fortnight (experience homework). This time look closely at the different plants. Take time too to just sit still what insects and creatures what can you spot?

Have fun - be creative!