"God made you different so you can make a difference!"

The children’s second full week in Year 2 has absolutely flown by! It has been an incredibly busy one filled with so much super focus and amazing learning.

In English we have continued working on our focus story ‘The way home for wolf’. We have now discovered that Wilf the wolf cub has lost his way and needs to get home. Whilst reading we have learnt so many new words; from tundra and pounce, to proclaim and hoarse - the children’s work is simply seeping in new vocabulary! Next week we will be concentrating on learning the story off by heart with the help of a story map … watch this space!
Below are some photographs of our interpretation of some of the movement vocabulary and phrases used in the story. As you can see, we have some super actors and actresses!

We have moved onto looking at numbers to 100 in Maths. We have learnt the many tricky spellings of the written numbers and are also able to make the numbers using a range of representations and equipment. Already the children are showing just how much they are up for a challenge in their maths work which is amazing to see.

We have continued to think about how we are all special and unique in both RE and RHE this week. It has been lovely to hear the children sharing their gifts from God so openly with the class and celebrating how different we all truly are. This also linked to the different styles of music that we listened to in our music lesson with Miss Mallinson. From bhangra to calypso, it was heart-warming to see such enjoyment of music from other cultures.

Let’s Celebrate

What a ‘Have a go Tommy Turtle’ you are William!  You start every lesson with a huge smile on your face and are always eager to share your ideas with the class.  Your enthusiasm is a joy to witness and nothing is ever too much trouble.  You have put 100% effort into everything you have completed this week.  Keep it up!

You have been such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’  this week Gus.  You have been thinking really carefully about your actions and how they can impact on the learning taking place around you.  You have shown amazing focus and have managed distractions brilliantly in order to help you to learn effectively.  I am so proud of you Gus – well done!

A huge congratulations to our new Year 2 class councillors, as voted for by their peers, Rose and Hugo! What a great team you’re going to make!

Have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Carter