It has been a super week in year 4 with many highlights! The most special of course was the beautiful service on Saturday with our First Holy Communicants. They did so well and it was such a simle yet lovely occasion. Take two this Saturday. I will begin sending photos to you next week.
Children are getting used to routines now and are such a lovely group. The way they look after their Year 1 friends at playtimes and lunchtimes is beautiful. They are being real role models! We will have two new children starting on Monday: Aviya and Dominic. I know how welcoming our lovely class will be.
This week we have started learning all about the Bible in RE. We have been thinking about how the Bible is Structured with Old and New Testaments and children have been learning how to find Bible references. We have thought about ‘The Gift of Water,’ in our Creation worship this week which also links beautifully to our Science work about plants. Children reflected on its life-giving force to us all and how fortunate we are to have access to water when others do not.
In English this week, we have been learning our Explanation text to help us get a feel for this genre of writing. Children have examined what all these words mean and have learned all the features of a good explanation text. They are now starting to write their own explanation text all about Seed Dispersal.
Maths has seen us carry on with learning the time. We have had brave Tommy Turtles who have a go and learn from their mistakes. We are making great progress. We are also going over the 3x table learned in Year 3. Please practise this and also telling the time as much as possible. (see homework)
We had our very first recorder lesson this week. Mrs Maddocks was very impressed with how quickly children picked up the first note already. As with everything, practise makes progress!
To top it all off, French lessons resumed this week too. Children are learning French words for the items in their pencil cases!
Let’s Celebrate!
A big shout out to Millie, Max and Leo who have already met their reading targets! Fantastic progress! Many are hot on their heels too.
French star this week was Jay for answering lots of questions and excellent listening.
PE stars this week were Daisy and Edi for good tactics in invasion games.
Our certificate winners this week are:
Stanley for being a real Clara Clownfish. Stanley - I love how you listen intently and try hard to figure things out. You always have such super questions.
Emilia for being a kind and friendly Roger Robin. You have settled into our school so well - it is like you have always been here. You are such a lovely partner to people and you are trying so hard.
Connor-Sean for being a real Sadie Spider who tries so hard. You are so determined and you are being such a role-model in Year 4. You are helpful, kind and supportive.
Holy Communion on Saturday. Please arrive at 8:45am so that we can take photos of your child on th altar. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing this special time.
PE Please can I remind you that if your child has a verucca, their foot must be covered by a verucca sock for Friday PE sessions so as not to spread it. Normal socks are too slippy on apparatus. Also, it is best to leave earrings at home. Children should be wearing their PE shorts under their tracksuit bottoms please.
Please could homework be handed in promptly on a Thursday, so that I can mark it.
Recorders need to be brought into school every Monday for lessons.
I know there have been pockets of illness around school this week. A good rest and early nights are needed! We hope you have a lovely weekend with your families,
God bless, Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.