Year 3 Home Learning 17.09.21

Home learning is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday - apart from this week!

Thank you for all of your wonderfully decorated books!


  1. Please listen to the fable ‘The Hare on the Tortoise’ on the BBC website and discuss with an adult at home what you think the moral of the fable is. Can you write it in your homework books please.

  2. Please complete IXL Year 3 English strand O1 ‘Use the correct Article’ (determiners).


Children are doing really well with their reading, please keep reading at home and encourage them to read every night.

Spellings of the week …

This week our spelling focus has been adding the suffix - ly. We have found that with most words we don’t need to double, drop or swap any letters. However words that end with ‘y’ are different and we need to change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ before adding ‘ly’.

Please practise these spelling ready for our spelling quiz next Friday:

  1. quick - quickly

  2. glad - gladly

  3. quiet - quietly

  4. brave - bravely

  5. speedy - speedily

  6. happy - happily


Please go to purple Mash where is a 2Do to complete ‘Place Value in 3 digit numbers’.