Welcome to our Year 4 homework page! This week, you have 3 challenges:
RHE (Relationships and Health Education)
I have set you a 2do ‘All about Me,’ in Purple Mash which most of you have started completing in class. Please complete this at home so I get to know you and find out more about your personality, likes and hbbies. You can also include a section on what you did in the holidays!
We are learning all about plants this half term. I would like you go in your garden or go for a walk and find a plant to observe and draw in your homework book. Please label the different parts too. Give 3 reasons why plants are important.
If you go on a walk, there are lots of plants that are dispersing their seeds at this time of year. Can you find any? You could even bring any seed heads in to school for a class collection eg conkers, acorns, poppy seed heads.
Getting organised 1.
It is fantastic in year 4 if you can start to get yourself organised for school each day, bringing in all the things you will need and packing your own bag. I have included a timetable for you to fill in and stick to your fridge or wall so that you can get your own things ready!
Here are some key things to include on it:
Monday: recorder lessons Wednesday - Outside PE Thursday - Homework handed in
Friday - Inside PE You could write on your planner, what days you will DO your homework.
You could also include things you need to pack in your bag each day - eg water bottle, snacks, reading book.
You do not need to hand this in - just keep it at home. If you want to do your own design - you can!
Getting organised 2.
Please back your homework book in the usual way - something that reflects your personality. It can be photos, wrapping paper, posters etc.
Let’s get ORGANISED!