Year 3 24.09.21- 'It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop'

What a lovely week we have had in Year 3! The children are continuing to work extremely hard and there seems to be lots of learning points being given to children for their focused, resilient and enthusiastic attitudes! We have talked a lot about presentation of their work in class, how our books show what pride we take in our work and many of the children have worked extra hard to make sure every piece of work reflects what hard work they are putting in. As it says on the title, ‘it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop’. I really hope the children get to share their work with you at some point this year, as we are sure you will be impressed!

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week we have listened and read many fables, comparing each of them, discussing the moral and reflecting on the characters and their actions in each of them. We have even started to learn the beginning of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’, where the children will hopefully know this off by heart from pictures and the actions we have created. They have said they would love to show you this, hopefully next week, so watch this space! On Wednesday, we looked at a Sesame Street video from the Hare and the Tortoise’s race and then stepped into the character’s shoes by interviewing our learning partners, asking how they felt before the race! The children also reflected on how a lot of these fable’s morals have similar lessons that our very own learning characters in school, which we will be looking at more closely next week.


In Maths the children are doing brilliantly with their place value, understanding what each digit is worth and applying this to some tricky problems!

Our History has got in to full swing now, where children have started to look at what life was like 15, 000 years ago! They analysed an artist’s depiction of this time and were extremely observant as they pulled out what they thought life was like in the Stone Age and asked the important question as to whether these people were just simply hunters and gatherers.

In RE we have been imagining what Jesus’ family life would have been like, and how we can use this within our own families. We have shared our special family memories and ended our afternoon sharing our own prayer intentions for the special people in our lives.

Let’s Celebrate!

An enthusiastic Bobby bee Rafe: What can we say Rafe? You are an absolute joy to teach with such a thirst for knowledge. You are all of the learning characters, every lesson! You are a shining example to those around you and you help in such a caring and supportive way. You have settled into Year 3 wonderfully and we could not be more proud of you. Keep up the amazing work Rafe, we are SO excited to see you continue to fly!

A cooperative Roger robin Faye: You are such a delight Faye! You are a bundle of happiness and a wonderful role model for others. You make the most supportive learning partner who shows great understanding and care towards whoever you are working with.. Your compassion and kindness towards others is just beautiful Faye. You constantly make us smile! Keep up the amazing work Faye, we are all so proud of you!


  • There was quite a number of children who did not complete homework this week, this is such a crucial part of learning, so that children can practice and reinforce what they have learnt in class. This weeks homework, in particular, will lead in to Wednesdays lesson so it would help them greatly to complete this. Please see the Home Learning section of the Year 3 page to see your child’s home learning this week

  • PE- Every Thursday we have indoor PE. For safety reasons the children must be barefoot. If your child has a verruca they must wear a non-slip latex verruca sock or a trampoline sock, along with sending either Mrs Harrison or myself to let us know. Thank you!

  • Parents day: As you will now be aware you are now able to book your Parents day appointments. Please see below which teacher we would like you to book an appointment with: