"You cannot be brave without fear"

Oh my parents, how proud we all were this week when we all started having a go at swimming in the deep end! We were cheering and clapping one another as we all bravely jumped in! It made such a difference to know that we were there to support one another.

It has been a little strange this week as Mrs H was taken ill during maths on Tuesday - despite this the Year 5 team rallied together and all of our lessons were delivered and the children rose to the challenges with real style! Mrs H returned on Thursday to enjoy the swimming and to lead our first drama lesson. We pretended to be Ancient Athenians, we re-enacted the Agora (market place). It was fun to pretend to be from another time completely! We have made strides in maths and we’re ready to hit those decimal fractions. In English we have continued to explore the story of Gelert - next week we will plan our own stories. In RE we have explored “The Fall” in Gensisi and the origin of our sinfulness - we all get things wrong - and in RHE we completed our second KidSafe lesson. We explored bullying and how to speak assertively- please read the letter attached as your child may want to discuss the issues we covered.


Our Growth Mindset certificates went to Jacob O and Thomas. I really could have given so many Tommy Turtles for all the bravery this week well done everyone!


Please read last weeks blog for information related to our Trip on Monday October 4th

Please read Miss Hornby’s blog too - here you will find information related to our first Parents meetings.

Thank you form the whole Year 5 team!