Year 6 Weekly Blog - "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

At the start of the week we asked ourselves, '“What is the greatest gift that God has given to us?” Some children chose their eyes to see the world, some children chose their hands that do kind things and some children chose their brain to think deeply and to question. In Year 6, it is our mission to bring God’s kingdom alive here in Our Ladys. I have sat in assembly this morning and watched the children sing beautifully and lead our school in prayer and thanks. God’s kingdom was in full bloom in the hall. On Wednesday morning, we will be walking down to church to share mass with our parish community. It will be lovely to be back and to spend time with Father Peter.

As you can see from the photographs, learning got a little messy this week in class. Using their understanding of landforms, the children studied a topography map of South America and then brought it to life using papier mache. They had to look carefully at what parts of the map were the highest and then the lowest around the Amazon rainforest. Next week, we will be painting them ready to bring home.

The children completed their first writing task linked to The Nowhere Emporium. They carefully inserted dialogue and action into a descriptive piece of writing. Next week, we will be writing a diary from the character perspective. I am really proud of the maths work this week (I had to go and tell Mrs Hotchkiss all about it!) Not only have the children been tackling decimals, they have also been linking this to measures. A lot to take in but so much success!

RHE provided the most interesting discussion this week. As a class we discussed the causes of World Poverty, linked to our book The Invisible. The children discussed what they felt led to this and how it affects our basic human needs. What we want and need are two different things.

Sport in school

One of the things that I have really missed during this past 18 months is school sport. Although we have continued to experience PE in school, not being able to compete against other schools has been sad. This week, all of the primary schools in our cluster met to discuss how we would build up to competition again. It was agreed that football and netball fixtures would take place in Spring once the weather is hopefully a bit better and the worst of the Winter months is over. The priority is to rebuild extra curricular sport in each school with intra school competition first.

Next Tuesday Mr Nay is going to start with a multi sports club for Year 6 children after school from 3.30pm - 4.15pm. There will be 15 places available. Please complete the form below if you would like your child to attend. If there are more than 15 children, I will split them into groups for a second club to take place after half term.

Verrucas are not the nicest things for a child to deal with, especially when they are asked to be barefoot for gymnastics. If your child has a verruca and they cannot take their shoes off, firstly, please can you contact me to let me know. They will need to wear either a verruca sock that is non slip or a pair of trampolining socks that have the grip on the bottom. They will not be allowed to wear trainers.

Leading Learning

We have decided to create a class target at the start of each week. Something that we are all aspiring to be. This week, it was to be proactive. Well done to all of the class, but especially to Mark and Olivia who have received the certificates this week. They have been really on the ball and completed all of the work asked.

Applying to high school

Just a reminder that the deadline is 31st October 2021. Please click on the link below to take you to the LCC website to apply.

If you are applying for your child to attend St Bedes, there will be an additional form to complete as well. This form is the faith form. We will receive these in school and I will send them home as soon as they come in.

If anybody has any questions about the process, please do get in touch and I will help in any way that I can.


All children need to have an art shirt in school for their lessons on a Friday. Please can these be brought in on Monday. We will be doing some of our own art in class next week.

Please do visit Miss Hornby’s blog for important information about school photographs, flu vaccinations and Parents’ Day appointments.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. Hopefully the sun will shine.

Mrs Gregan and the Year 6 team