"Some days are simply made for playing"- Mary Anne Radmacher

We can not believe how quick the weeks are passing! Each and every child has been making the most out of their lunchtime playtime. From Duck, Duck, Goose to shop keeping, the playground has been a hive of activity. We have all been humbled by how the older and younger children interact and play. They play so beautifully, showing love and understanding. Team sports continue to be a firm favourite, including football, basketball and tennis. The trim trail is a much loved area of the playground, that is used and loved constantly throughout the day.

 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 2

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 5

Role Model of the Week: Roseanna, Y3 and Esme, Y5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Faye, Y3 and Isabella, Y5.


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 1

Role Model of the Week:  Rodnie, Y1 and Betsy, Y4

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Alice, Y1 and Dominic, Y4


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 6

Role Model of the Week: William, Y2 and Jessica, Y6

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Elsa, Y2 and Kaya, Y6



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!

Have a lovely, restful weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team