‘Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no-one alive that is you-er than you!’

We’ve had a wonderful time this week in Year 1. We’ve been scientists; classifying animals, mathematicians using number lines and have sung our hearts out in music. We’ve been very busy!

Thank you so much to those of you who generously made a donation at the end of Reception. I am so pleased to share, the beautiful Worship resources that have been purchased. The children love their new Cross, that takes pride of place on our worship table. The cross is called ‘Children of the World Unite’ and reminds us that God loves us all and that our differences make us precious in His eyes. This has been the theme of our RHE lessons this week, focusing on being kind to all and loving each other for our similarities and differences. The children have equally loved reading our new religious story books and praying with the wooden crosses in the palms of their hands. Thank you so much for your generosity.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been counting one more and one less than a number. They have been using practical equipment to help them visualise this learning.

In English the children discovered that the Evil Pea was responsible for crimes against vegetables. They wrote questions (with question marks) to ask the Evil Pea. I was so impressed with their creativity and exciting vocabulary too!

In RE we learned how Adam and Eve made the wrong choice in the Garden of Eden and reflected on how we can make good choices.



Curious Clara Clownfish: For asking curious questions in science. George C, I was so impressed with your inquisitive ideas when classifying animals and your eagerness to learn more. Your super questions got everyone thinking, even your teachers! Well done George, I can’t wait to hear more of your brilliant questions!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For being an enthusiastic learner all day long! Albert, from the moment you enter the classroom to the moment you wave goodbye, your smile beams with your love for learning. Being enthusiastic for growing your brain is such a gift Albert and I have no doubt your self belief will only continue to grow! Well done you!


  • Today I shared the exciting news, that I am expecting a baby boy in February. The children had the most gorgeous reaction to my news; their little faces beamed with huge smiles, they had many curious questions and lots of lovely name suggestions too. Please find a letter from Miss Hornby, opposite. I hope you find this letter reassuring. I am so grateful that I get to spend the majority of the school year with your wonderful children and I cannot wait to introduce them to my own little one, next year.

  • PE days are back to normal next week.

  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

  • It has come to my attention that a child in Year 1 has got a threadworm infection. Please can you keep an eye on your child and treat them if necessary. Threadworm is contagious, however with all of the extra handwashing we have in place, I am hopeful that this can be contained.

God Bless and have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team