Let me begin by saying how very proud I have been of our Holy Communicants on both weeks. I am sure you will agree that they did so well. They were reverent and the whole experience was one of calm and siplicity.
It has been a lovely week in year 4. This week we welcomed our new pupil Dominic, all the way from El Salvador. He has settled in beautifully all thanks to your wonderful children who really are so welcoming and delightful.
This week we have focused a lot on our 2 key virtues for this half term - being learned and wise. We looked at quotes to help us reflect upon how to have wisdom. Now that we are getting older, it is important that we try to stop and think, before we act, always reflecting on our choices. Some of our favourite quotes were “I have learned that I still have a lot to learn,’ and “Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.’
As our learning about time in maths has become more difficult, we have had lots of conversations this week about not being worried if we don’t understand things immediately. We discussed how we can keep listening, keep trying and believe that we will understand if we keep engaging with the learning fully.
Children have enjoyed Science this week. We have spent our English lessons applying our science understanding to write explanation texts all about Seed Dispersal. For the first piece of writing of the year, they are superb! Children have loved learning about dispersal and have been running into class with acorns and poppy seed heads they have found outside!
We have also looked at the results of our investigation into what seeds need in order to germinate. Children wanted to investigate further and we are now seeing if plants need light in order to grow healthily by leaving a germinated seed in the dark cupboard.
Also this week, we have been examining what different functions each part of a plant has. Below is our investigation to prove how the stem works! Oh the excitement we have had watching this happen!
Children really impressed me in their second recorder lesson this week. Children are already playing 2 tunes well. We have had some super PE lessons too!
Let’s Celebrate.
Rosa already met her reading target last week! Well done! We have just over 3 weeks to go everyone. Let’s go for it!
This week, our certificate winners go to:
Edi for being a brave learner (Tommy Turtle) who always has a go and tries to engage fully in everything.
Tabby (Lizzie Ladybird) for striving to improve -especially in her writing this week, which got better and better on each attempt.
Rosa (Roger Robin) for being such a supportive and helpful pupil in class. You make wise choices Rosa and try so hard in all you do.
PE stars this week were Nicola and Ruby-Lilly for super focus on apparatus.
French star this week was: Owen
You can now sign up for Parents day appointments. These will be on a platform called ‘Schoolcloud.’ I look forward to discussing your child’s learning with you.
Please help your child to meet their reading target this half term, by challenging them to read for 20 minutes each night, preferably aloud to you for some of this time.
Have a lovely weekend. The weather is changing and becoming blustery! Enjoy.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.