"We rise by lifting others"

I couldn’t feel more proud of all of the children this week! They are without a doubt now into the full swing of Year 2 and are showing just what they are capable of. I explained to the children this morning just how difficult it was to choose learning certificates as each and every person has shone and stood out in some way or another. Some have produced brilliant writing in English, whilst others have problem solved and taken their thinking to a real deep place in maths. Well done Year 2 - it’s great to teach such enthusiastic and focused children!

In English we have been learning our focus story ‘The way home for wolf’ off by heart, through the use of a story map and actions. We have also used some brilliant adjectives to describe the different characters in the story and have written such lovely ‘thank you’ letters from Wilf to the other characters for helping him. Next week we will be moving onto our non-fiction section of the unit before returning to the story to innovate in the following weeks.

Maths has been incredibly practical this week as we have been busy using different representations to partition numbers. Have a look at the photographs below to see what we’ve been up to.

Indoor PE has been filled with lots of bears, frogs and caterpillars as we have practised many different ways of travelling around the hall. Next week we will be using these, as well as the jumps we practised in the previous week, to create different sequences both on the floor and using the apparatus.

Once again, the children have shown such love and compassion during RE and RHE sessions as they have been busy spotting God given qualities in each other. The children travelled around the room and when the music stopped, they had to write a quality they have spotted in that other person in their books. It was beautiful to see such beaming smiles as the children read their books independently and realised just how many special qualities and talents God has given to them, some that they didn’t even recognise in themselves.

Let’s Celebrate

What a focused week you have had John Paul!  You have listened so carefully during lessons and you’ve been such a ‘Cooper Crab’ during independent learning tasks.  The work you have completed this week has been amazing, particularly your writing!  You should feel extremely proud of yourself.  Well done!

Thank you for being such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ in our classroom Matilda!  You are always so smiley and can never do enough to help around our classroom.  You make such a great learning partner and always inspire the people working around you not only to focus, but to have fun and enjoy their learning too!   

Enjoy the weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Carter