The start of something new brings the hope of something great… Anything is possible.

Well, what a wonderful couple of days we have had settling into our new class! We had a classroom full of smiles, as well as some nerves, as we welcomed our friends back on Thursday! The children settled in straight away and any of those nerves had soon disappeared! We have been SO impressed with our lovely new class family and the focus and enthusiasm they have already shown. One of our first activities has been practising our class mantra which we will be thinking about throughout our year, helping our classroom to be a happy place to learn together!

This morning, we were able to join together as a whole school family which was such a lovely way to kick start the new school year and has inspired us all to reach for those goals! We have also been looking at our two virtues that we will reflect on throughout the term. These are ‘Learned’ and ‘Wise’. I wonder what the children can remember about these two virtues?


· Please remember PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday.

· All forms MUST be completed. Please see the previous blog for the forms if you have not yet done so.

· If your child has asthma please make sure we have an inhaler in school (labelled).

· Homework will begin Thursday next to be completed for the following Friday.

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday,

Mrs Harrison, Miss Bassett, Miss Russell, Mrs Carr and Miss Woodrow