Year 1 Home Learning 3.9.21

Welcome to the Year One Weekly Home Learning Page.

On this page you will find details of learning for your child to complete alongside you at home, to consolidate the learning they have done in class. Home Learning will be a combination of online and in their blue home learning book, depending on the nature of the learning I would like them to practise.

Home learning is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday - apart from this week!

Decorating their Home Learning Book

I would love the children to decorate their home learning book, to represent their wonderful and unique personalities. Be this with pictures, drawings, stickers - whatever they love! As these books are to be taken to and from school all year, I kindly ask that you cover them in a material that will keep them strong. Children have used sticky back plastic or wrapping paper, to do this in the past. If these could be completed by the Thursday 16th September, that would be amazing.

Baby Photo

Our first Science lesson next week will be looking at how we have grown and changed from a baby. I am hoping you can help me with this, to make the lesson extra exciting and fun! Please could you send me a photo of your child as a baby? These can be sent by email to

If you could email these to me as soon as possible, I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for your help with this!