Year 6 Weekly Blog - "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

There has been such a warm and friendly buzz of excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm over the last two days in Year 6. I could not be happier with how the children have returned to school for their final year at Our Ladys. We have spent a lot of time over the past two days talking about leadership and our vision for the year ahead. I have shared a beautiful story with the children called The Invisible. A tender story about how we all belong in the world. Please click on the button below to read the story.

We have decided to move our class council meetings to the beginning of each week. Instead of reflecting on the week that has been, we are going to be proactive and look ahead. Our first mission is to ensure that no one feels invisible, that everyone has a friend.

It is so wonderful to see how excited the children are about becoming leaders. Thank you for all of the house captain videos that have been sent in. Any final ones can be sent to be by Monday. I will then collate them and send them around the school for the pupils at Our Ladys to vote. The staff are busy voting for Head Boy and Head Girl - a very difficult decision. Today, the children have started to write their letters of application for other jobs around school. No matter what job the children are given, I know that they will do it with love, compassion and kindness.

Next week we will start with our curriculum journey in class. We will be starting our new novel; The Nowhere Emporium, working on place value and decimals, starting to look at South America and getting physical in PE and gymnastics. I am really excited to see what the children will produce this year.


  • PE days are Monday and Wednesday. PE kits (school tracksuits) can be worn to school on those days. Please make sure that the children have shorts in as well, especially for gymnastics on a Wednesday.

  • Home learning will be set next Wednesday.

  • Please ensure you have completed all consent forms and medical forms on the website. Any inhalers need to be updated and in date.

  • Please check all new guidance on the website. Miss Hornby has updated our school guidance in light of the COVID guidance changes.

Have a lovely weekend with your family. I hear that the sun will be shining very brightly, fingers crossed that it will stay!

God bless

Mrs Gregan, Mrs Webster and Miss Brisco