"Confidence - is something you create within yourself by believing in who YOU are"

These first two weeks of the Spring term seem to have just flown by! The children have continued to be both curious and active learners as we have completed each lesson of the timetable this week, and my goodness, there has been a lot of superb learning taking place.

The class are in the midst of writing their own versions of ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ and it has been great to see such focus, determination and creativity in these writing lessons. This afternoon (Friday) the children worked with their learning partners to peer mark their writing and they all did a fantastic job! They all really enjoyed reading each others creative ideas; the class was filled with so much laughter, enjoyment and joy! I can’t wait to read their finished stories next week.

I have been so proud of all of the children in maths this week! The confidence they have shown whilst building important multiplication skills has been such a joy to witness and the whole of the class can now recognise the ‘x’ sign as a way of writing ‘groups of’. I have promised the class that in the not so distant future, I will be introducing them to a new website ‘Times Table Rockstars’ which they are all very excited about … watch this space.

PE was filled with lots of smiles and movements as we enjoyed creating a friendship dance together. The children worked independently, in pairs and as a class to move along to the beat and create some of their own moves. Enjoy watching their performances below.

Miss Brisco introduced the class to their new Geography topic ‘seas and coasts’ on Thursday. I can’t wait to hear about all of their new knowledge as they continue their Geography lessons each week.

Let’s Celebrate

Daisy, thank you for being such an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ this week!  Your hand has been up in every single lesson and you have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class, particularly in English.  You loved making your friends laugh with your ideas for your fairytale chaos scene!  Keep up this enthusiasm Daisy, it has been great to see so many smiles on your face this week. 

You have shown so much creativity in English this week Hugo – what a ‘Kiki Chameleon’ you have been!  You have got stuck into your writing straight away in every lesson and I have really enjoyed reading your ideas each night.  You have also shown so much pride when you have handed in your work; I don’t think even you can believe how much progress you have made!  Keep working hard Hugo!

Enjoy the weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team