Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'For never was there a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'

I don’t think anybody can say that the Year 6 classroom is not a varied one! From delivering the lines to the prologue in Romeo and Juliet to tackling long division to creating a vocAPPulary in science, we have certainly had a full and diverse week of learning. We have started our new RE unit of work - Exploring the Mass - which asks us to understand the purpose of what we do when we are there. Meditation is a way that we can feed ourselves spiritually, along with prayer and reflection. Yesterday I took the children through a simple meditation that relaxed and reinforced the message that they can do anything.

We have certainly been very active and curious in Year 6 this week.

Where has our learning taken us this week?

Week 2, and we have continued with the same desire to learn new knowledge that we had last week.

  • English - ‘Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.’ Drama is a brilliant way to bring text to life and we will be using drama throughout this entire unit. We have filmed and photographed the prologue to Romeo and Juliet. Please enjoy our film below. I am hoping that by the end of this unit, we will be able to perform the entire play for you in 20 minutes. There was also absolute disgust at the level of violence in Verona caused by the Montagues and Capulets. Letters have been written to the Prince of Verona complaining.

  • Maths - DIVISION. One of the last arithmetic strands that we needed to cover was long division. After quite a few puzzled faces, the children have slowly and steady been getting to grips with it. Slow and steady always win the race…as the hare and the tortoise found out!

  • Science - Being able to understand vocabulary is an important aspect of any unit of work. There are a number of works in evolution and inheritance that the children need in their toolkit. They have all created a vocAPPulary to hold in their books as a reference.

  • RE - What happens when we go to mass? We recalled all of the rituals and responses that we have noticed as well as the prayers that we say and the hymns that we sing.

As well as all of that, we have also completed a French lesson with Madame Jefferson on the topic of school, PE - gymnastics and netball and music lesson with Miss Woodend this morning. It has been a busy week in Year 6.

Please enjoy our film of the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet.

End of Year Assessment

Last week, I mentioned that I would put together a short film to help you understand the road to our assessment week in May.

This week, the children have started their preparation by looking at a reading text and some grammar questions.

Please do have a listen to my key messages. This is not a time to panic or overload the children, but to sit with them, discuss their learning and how best to help and support them. If you have any questions at all having watched the video, please do email me and I can support you.

Leading Learners

Well done to Emmanuel and James this week.

Emmanuel, what a start to the spring term you are having. I have smiled every day at your contribution to lessons, resilience with your work and determination to be the very best that you can be. You have asked questions to further your learning because you want to get better. Keep it up, who knows what you can achieve this year.

James, you have demonstrated just how focused you can be in class. I am really enjoying seeing you have fun with your learning, laughing with your learning partner and completing an excellent standard of work. Keep this application up James.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Mrs Gregan