We have had a very inspiring week in Year 4. We began on Monday morning with our very first swimming lesson together. Thank you so much for being so prompt. Children did so well getting changed on their own and showed such bravery - as I know many of them have struggled to get to any swimming lessons due to Covid! It is a favourite lesson of mine because children always make such progress at these lessons.
This week we have been focusing on the story of Jairus’s daughter and this has led us onto discussing why God put us here - what is our purpose? We have learned that our purpose is to love, to be loved and to make a difference. We have been thanking God for making us unique and giving us so many gifts.
In class council this week, children are putting together ideas for a new item of play equipment outside. We have made a class design which Angel and Matilda will put forward to the school council.
In other news:
We have been learning in maths how to be ‘efficient’ and choose the most effective and quickest way of calculating, depending on the numbers in the calculation. Next week, we will be beginning to learn about Perimeter. We are also going over those important times tables - this week we are doing the 2x and 5x tables. Please enocurage your child to practise these daily so they are second nature.
In English, we have started our topic on Folk Tales and have met the mischievous character of Brer Rabbit! Children are already loving these amusing tales of trickery and cunning! In Science, we have been learning about the states of matter: solids, liquids and gases - through many investigations and children have shared their knowledge by making videos about the 3 states. In computing, we have started our lessons about Animation. I know children did some super animations last year!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are as follows:
A Tommy Turtle certificate goes to Anncia for being a brave learner and for asking for help when she needs it. You always listen to my advice Anncia and you are making so much progress.
A Sadie Spider certificate goes to Nicola for putting maximum effort into all she does. Nicola you try so hard and you are always ready quickly to get on with your learning.
A Lizzie Ladybird certificate goes to Christian for always listening to advice and enjoying the process of learning so much. You are striving to improve each day Christian and you are such a focused student.
French stars this week were: Evan, Franek and Tabby.
Music stars this week were Nicola and Jay.
If you received a letter this week regarding extra classes after school, please could you send me an email to let me know if you will be taking up this offer, at the earliest opportunity: a.lyons@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk
WELLIES! On Mondays we need to have our breaktime on the field when we get back from swimming so that we can maintain distance from the other classes. It would be so helpful if children have wellies in school for this, so that they are not getting damp and muddy shoes.
Please remember to pay for our school trip on Parentpay if you have not already done so.
Have a lovely weekend
Kindest regards,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.