Year 3 blog 15.1.22 'We are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to'

How time flies when you are having fun! This week has flown by and the children have been well and truly immersed is their learning. Our virtues for this half term have been brought to life as we completed our Geography topic on the Arctic, linking how we are curious and active about the Arctic. The children wrote wonderful explanations on the polar bear and then wrote how we can actively help to stop polar bears becoming endangered animals. They came up with some wonderful ideas of how we can help to reduce global warming, from making sure we switch lights off when we don’t need them and reducing and recycling our waste. We then created our own cotton wool polar bears, ready to go on display in the hall and the classroom… I am sure you will agree they have done a great job, their writing was wonderful and they created some very cute polar bears! Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Learning this week …

Year 3 have been working super hard on their Mathematics, investigating the associative and commutative law when adding three addends and reasoning about how we can change the order of the addends to add more efficiently. They have used a range of concrete materials and have now moved on to writing their own equations.

In English the children have been enjoying reading our class novel on the Ice Cat, we have loved raising questions about the characters, predicting events, we have collected descriptive language and even written a diary entry as the main character, Tom. There have been great discussions in class and the children are learning to think more deeply, this is an area we must keep working on.

In PE we started our striking and fielding, focusing on the underarm thrown and improving our accuracy when throwing to a partner. We tried so hard and had great fun a long the way, but as you can see from the homework, they need much more practice and opportunity to master their accuracy and control, which of course we will also continue to work on in PE.

Let’s Celebrate!

A Focused and Enthusiastic learner : Elsie

A huge well done Elsie… you are such a bundle of enthusiasm! We have been so impressed with your focus this week, particularly during your math’s and English lessons. Learning new concepts can be challenging but your determination, focus and enthusiasm has shown how rewarding and exciting learning can be!

A Focused learner : Layla

What a great week you have had Layla! Your focus has been so wonderful! We have been learning lots of new concepts this week and because of how well you have concentrated and your fantastic effort we have watched you grasp new and tricky skills. Keep using this focus Layla, and remember that YOU CAN do it!

We are so proud of you both!


  • We are starting to get a collection of water bottles in class with no name on. Please could you make sure all bottles and snack pots that children bring in have their names on, it really does help to send them home if they get left.

  • Homework is given out on a Friday and due in again on a Thursday- there are a number of children who are not completing this, please could you encourage this at home, many thanks.

    Finally, the children have been focusing carefully to learn how to play a new song using the xylophones… we hope you enjoy!