Year 5 home learning to be handed in on Friday 21st January


As always reading remains our number one priority. Please encourage your child daily. Thank you

Maths - 5-10 minutes daily

The children return to TT Rock Stars. We have never let go of our table facts as they pop up often on our weekly fluency questions in maths. However, we are moving rapidly now towards long multiplication and short division - it is crucial that we have quick recall of all our table and division facts. As the children return to the program it will take some time to adjust. I have explained this in class. The app is an algorithm it will automatically give the children the facts it wants to check - bare with it for the next two weeks and I’ll have enough data to see where we are all up to. There are 420 key facts to master keep visiting the garage everyday at home for 5-10 minutes- take the gig if it appears. On my side I can see how many minutes you averaged over the 7 days - I’ll be able to share this with you. All children received a password reminder (small card) please record this at home too.


Phrases of the moon. This week we explored how the moon revolves around the Earth! We understand why it appears as different shapes in the night (and day) sky. The children have been given a calendar with a space to draw the moon for each day. We would like them to be active observers over the next month. Can you record the shape of the moon daily? If you cannot see it, due to cloud, can you predict what shape it will be? ( Use a different colour for these). Sheets sent in bags.

Scilish (science and English)

Man on the moon! Can you investigate the first time man landed on the moon (1969). How did we do it? Who were the astronauts and what did they do while on the moon? How long did they stay? Please find the research page to complete in your Purple Mash 2dos. It’s important that you visit different websites and books to find out more. I have linked real historical footage of the event below - but you will need more sources of your own.

Click on image to open the link

Spellings - words ending in ence.

These nouns end in ence (cruched sound - sounds like uns):









Spelling tests are on Wednesdays - thank you