Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th January 2022

Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

crumb, debt, plumb, scissors, scenario, plaque, design, foreign, reign, anchor, chemical, knowledge, psychology, psalm, receipt, aisle, island, castle, chimney, disguise.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.

IXL - Q1, Q2, Q9 and Q10

Can you practise some short division calculations so that you have mastered the skill?

English - William Shakespeare

Who is William Shakespeare? Next week you will be writing an Outcome 3 biography. I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash for you to record your research on: Early Life, Education and How he became a playwright.

Focus on:

  • Cohesive devices

  • Key dates

  • Subject specific language.