"Become like a bird, expand your wings, learn new things and fly as high as you can!"

I have been blown away by the children and their learning this week; what a bunch of Enthusiastic Bobby Bees they have all been!

Birds have been the hot topic of conversation in English this week. We have delved into the world of non-fiction books and the children have enjoyed spotting their different features. There were so many gasps and ahhhs as the class realised that all of the different books about different topics had their own contents, index, and glossary! We have completed lots of shared reading this week, with the children taking note of punctuation and expression whilst learning lots of new facts about our new feathered friends! We’ve collected lots of new vocabulary for our working wall along the way too!

In maths we have continued to develop our new multiplication skills. We have looked at the 2, 5 and 10 times table and have used our knowledge to help solve a range of multiplication word problems. Yesterday the children were then introduced to a new word - division, which they were all very excited about as many have spotted this on their TT Rockstars. This is something we will continue to develop next week.

In any spare moments we have had, we have also been enjoying reading the BFG by Roald Dahl together. During our indoor PE sessions we have then been exploring the story further by taking on the roles of the different characters and thinking really carefully about how they might move and act. This week the children took on the role of Sophie as she was peering out of her window and caught sight of the huge shadow walking down the street … I wonder who or what it might be?

Let’s Celebrate

WOW Rory – what a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle’ you have been this week.  You have played such an active role in all of our lessons and have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class.  Your reasoning has been superb in mathematics; you have explained your answers with such confidence and clarity.  You have also shared lots of wonderful information about non-fiction texts in English.  You certainly deserve a rest this weekend!  

Hudson, you are a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ each and every day in our classroom!  You always speak with such kindness and compassion and you can never do enough to help the people around you!  I often see you picking up pencil cases off the floor or putting pieces of rubbish into the bin, always without being asked.  These little acts of kindness never go unnoticed Hudson and I just want to say a big THANK YOU!


Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term. Please visit Miss Hornby’s blog to find out about an opportunity to come into school to see your child’s work. We cannot wait to share all of the wonderful things that they have produced.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team