Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Evolution is the secret for the next step.'

Evolution and Inheritance is one of my favourite units of work to teach because it is packed with questions. Throughout history, humans have been required to adapt and change in order to not only survive - but to thrive! Quite often, change can be seen as a scary prospect, one that makes us feel vulnerable and uneasy. However, it is during these times that we grow and see just how much strength we have.

We know that this year will be a period of change for Year 6: the change of how they prepare for learning, the change of the week on residential and the change of a new high school. They will learn just how strong they are and that to grow, we must evolve.

Being an active and curious learner.

It has been another busy week in Year 6. I know many of them have had conversations with you at home about inheritance and the characteristics that they have acquired.

  • English - Romeo and Juliet has continued to be the central point to our english unit. We have moved onto the most iconic scene - The Balcony Scene. The children were tasked with writing in role as Juliet. To really understand her emotions and to use Shakespeare’s language within their work. I was blown away! I cannot wait to share their work with you just after half term. Our grammar focus has been semi-colons. The children have been experimenting with them and using them within their diary entries.

  • Maths - We have tried to find our feet with shape this week and to create a path of action! You will notice that I have set the children work on learning shape names this week and properties of shapes. Please do support your children with this at home.

Science - And onto evolution and inheritance. Learning about inheritance can be tricky. The children all know that they look or behave a certain way because they have inherited certain characteristics or have experienced environmental factors. Through the brilliance of the Mr Men, we have looked at the characteristics that can be passed on to offspring from their parents. Can you tell which Mr Men and Little Miss Characters were the parents of these offspring?

To continue our science work, the children have been busy starting our computing piece of work on quizzes. They were given the brief to design a picture animal quiz for reception children, based on habitats. Why not take a look at their work?

RE - Understanding the complexities of Mass can be hard to remember, so we are breaking it down part by part. This week, we have looked specifically at the beginning of Mass, the Penitential Act. Saying sorry and asking for forgiveness is hard but it is so important if we are to cleanse ourselves and move forward.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jacob and Lorna-Jane this week.

Jacob, you have shown real resilience this week in all areas of learning. As the work is getting tricky, it is requiring you to think harder for longer and not to give up! You have done that this week. Learning takes time and dedication. Well done for sticking at it and producing some great work.

Lorna-Jane, you are such a curious learner. Thank you for keeping me on my toes. Whether you are celebrating mistakes, reading out your writing or supporting a member of a class, you lead learning. Thank you for being such an active member of the class. It does not go unnoticed.


  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

  • Your child all have new AR reader codes. Last week they completed an up to date Star Reader assessment which gave them a progress score and reading age. Ask your child to discuss this with you.

  • Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term. Please visit Miss Hornby’s blog to find out about an opportunity to come into school to see your child’s work. We cannot wait to share all of the wonderful things that they have produced. You will need to indicate that you are attending.

  • You are now able to pay for the remainder of the Water Parks Residential - £300. This is available through the Parent Pay link .

Have a wonderful weekend together.

Mrs Gregan