Year 3 Home Learning 28.01.22


Spelling strategy: CHUNK! Chunk each word into parts (not necessarily sounds) for example: act / ion… cele/ brat / ion

This week we re focusing on adding the suffix - ion.

  1. action

  2. celebration

  3. collection

  4. invention

  5. education

  6. hesitation

  7. concentration

  8. construction


Look careful at the examples below, where we are partitioning the second addend. This is one of the most efficient methods, that will help you greatly when we come to bridge over larger numbers. Then complete the calculations, setting each one out like the example below:

In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:

7 + 6 =

8 + 9 =

3 + 8 =

5 + 7 =

4 + 8 =


This week we have been learning about the human skeleton. Please have a go at the purple mash 2DO set by creating a fact sheet all about the different bones you can find in the human body.