Year 5 Home learning to be handed in Friday 14th January


We all have new targets set for this half term. Please encourage your child to read every day. They need to be reading books that they can be successful on when quizzing. Most of the class are able to select wisely. Those who struggle visit the library with me and we ensure the pitch is right. Even with this help progress is not guaranteed, it is essential that reading time is made a priority at home - only resilience and engagement can lead to real progress - thank you. New books marks have been given- please use them to track your children daily reading

Science research - The Solar System

Our new topic is SPACE. On Tuesday we explored models of the Solar system (our Sun and the 8 planets that orbit). In the next few weeks we will be writing a non-chronological report on the Solar system - independently. To complete this task the children need to bring very detailed research so that they can use it in their writing. The more details the better. The children have a fan model of the Solar System and on this are prompts for the key information. We have started with work in class and the children know they are going to complete it at home. We have already started the work in class so we are ready to continued.


Money problems this week R4 on IXL- Thank you

English Spelling - words ending in ENT these words are all adjective (describing words)

Please learn:









What is special about the word patient - what do you notice about its meaning?

Remember too that we can add an ly to these adjectives to make them adverbs - they might come up in the spelling test like this.