Year 3 Home learning 7.1.22


Our spelling strategy this week is to look for smaller words inside the word you are learning to spell.

Our spellings this week will test your long term memory, they are all spellings you have already been given and include one of the spelling rules that we have covered last term:

  1. centre

  2. incomplete

  3. disappear

  4. impatient

  5. although

  6. hazardous

  7. suddenly

  8. mixture

Ongoing Maths

These IXL strands can be completed over the next few weeks and can be done as and when you want to complete each strand:

E1- E8 under addition one digit


On Purple Mash, following the 2Do that has been sent to you, imagine that you are on holiday in the Arctic and send a postcard back to our class describing what it is like there and what you have seen on your travels.