Year 3 blog 5.01.22 ' Be curious always. For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

Happy new year to you all! The children have come back to school this week, feeling refreshed and ready to take on their learning. We have had a lovely start to the year, every single one of them bounced through the door with a big smile on their face, sharing all their news from their time away. Our two new virtues that we will be exploring and discussing in more detail this half term are Curious and Active. This week we have reflected on curiosity within RE and discussing why it is important to actively seek the answers to these questions in order to deepen our faith and learning.

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week the children have worked hard to complete their Arctic learning and have written a wonderful report all about the Arctic, using their skills and learning from their English lessons before Christmas. We have also introduced our new story, ‘Ice Cat’ and the class have been wowed by the wonderful adjectives the author has used to describe the setting. We have been left desperate to read the next chapter!

In Maths the children have been adding three addends and starting to explore the associative law in Maths, next week we will problem solving when we would do this to make calculations more efficient. We have also begin to look at multiplying by 4, we have been using the dienes and pictures to help us to develop this new skill. It is lovely to see the enthusiasm our Year 3’s have towards learning new skills, well done children!

We had a great PE outdoor PE lesson this week, where the children brought together all the skills they have been learning before Christmas in to a game where they had to either attack or defend a goal. The children used a variety of different passes and a range of ways to outwit the opponent- they did brilliantly!

Let’s Celebrate!

A Focused learner : Dominic

We have been so impressed by the focus you have shown throughout this week Dominic! You are learning how to manage your distractions, which is having a great impact on the work you are producing. We have noticed the improvement in the quality of your written work, because of the wonderful effort that you are showing. Well done Dominic!

A Focused learner : Theo

You have had a wonderful start to our Spring term Theo! We have really noticed your improved, super effort and my what a difference this is having on your work. We have also really loved to see and hear the kind words and actions that you have shared towards others, Keep up the great work, well done Theo!
