"In the end, it's the people who are curious who change the world"

Happy New Year to you all! It was great to have all of the children back in school on Tuesday, eager to start their second term of learning in Year 2! This week we have been thinking all about our two virtues for this term - curious and active. We thought carefully about the two words and how showing and developing the two qualities can not only help us in our learning, but can help us to grow in our faith too. Everyone set themselves a target for this term and it was super to hear such high goals and aspirations.

In maths we have started learning all about multiplication. We have been using the terms equal and unequal to help us when describing different groups and have been using different representations to help us to identify and make equal groups of objects.

In English we are continuing with our focus story ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ as we didn’t quite manage to get it finished before Christmas. We have been busy muddling up different characters, props and story plots to help with our story planning next week. I must say, we’ve got lots of children with great creativity and humour; their ideas really made me laugh!

As part of our ‘how we grow and stay healthy’ science topic, we leant the importance of washing our hands this week. Miss Brisco used glitter to represent the germs and the children were shocked to see how quickly the ‘germs’ travelled from one person to the next. This morning, we then discussed the importance of staying safe around medicines and the class created some superb posters to display their new knowledge.

Thank you for such a great start to the new year Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

Charlotte, you have come back to school so focused and enthusiastic for the term ahead!  You have been incredibly engaged in every lesson and have shared some wonderful ideas with the class.  This week, you haven’t become upset or disheartened when you have made a mistake but have listened carefully to feedback about how to improve.  Keep up this positive attitude Charlotte!

You have been such a ‘Have a Go Tommy Turtle’ this week Tilly S.  It has been wonderful to see you putting up your hand so enthusiastically in lessons to share your ideas, particularly in maths which I know you can sometimes find tricky.  It’s been great to see your beaming pride and your ever growing confidence – well done!


Please can wellies come back to school so that we can take advantage of the whole of the school grounds. Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team