Spring is sprung! The snowdrops are out and the children in Year 4 are growing too! In RE this week, we have reflected on the first disciples and what a challenge it must have been to leave everything and follow Jesus. This led us to doing some work about the joys of following Jesus in life but also the great challenges too.
We have been thinking about how as we grow, similarities and differences arise between us and that is OK. By living and working together and accepting our differences, we create community. Children also reflected on how we can have self confidence in our own qualities because we are loved by God.
In other news! We have been learning many grammar skills this week to enhance our writing skills. We tackled the tricky apostrophe for possession and we also learned all about similes and metaphors. We liked Charlie’s metaphor “A tsunami of girls have just rushed through the door!” Children are spotting homophones everywhere and asking questions about words, such as, “Is that a homophone or a homonym?” We have been busy cementing our skills of persuasion, writing two persuasive letters, one as Brer Fox and one as Brer Rabbit. They are very funny - I look forward to you being able to read them.
We have also been learning about the different features of a volcano in Geography and retrieving all we have learned about states of matter in Science. Children were given statements such as ‘Steam is water is gas form,’ and ‘Water only evaporates when it is boiled,’ true or false. Their depth of knowledge about this topic is fantastic.
In maths we have been getting a full grasp of the concept of Perimeter and how to calculate it. We have also been working out the 4x tables together and practising in class. We have been looking for those all important patterns such as if 3x4=12 then 6x4 must be double this. The 8x table will come next because it is double the 4x table! Thank you for supporting this knowledge and understanding at home with the booklets - children were really confident in their 3x tables this week.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are as follows:
A Kiki Chameleon certificate goes to Evan for taking such care and consideration in all your work. You try so very hard and always ask for advice on word choices and other things.
A Cooper Crab certificate goes to Aviya for giving 100% focus to everything she does. You manage your distractions and you are a real role model in our class.
Music stars this week were Christian and Anncia
Swimming stars were Millie, Dominic, Lily-Mae and Evan
French stars were Millie and Emilia
SWIMMING ARRIVAL - prompt at 8.30am
Please could I ask that all children are only dropped off at the gate at St. Patrick’s Road on a Monday morning to save us opening both gates early at 8.30. Thanks. The coach drivers are struggling with the traffic lights at St Thomas’s so we need to set off as near to half past eight as possible!
Enjoy the snowdrops this weekend!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.