A lovely week in Year 4 - lots of togetherness, hard-work and joy.
We have continued to study our history topic where this week we learned about how Christianity came to our country and began to spread. We then learned about the dawn of Viking England and we made a living graph to discover how bad a threat they were in our country - how much of it did they control at different times? Finally, we learned about King Alfred of Wessex, who did prevent Vikings from taking over the Last Kingdom of England. But how ‘great’ was he really? Children looked at the evidence to answer this question - trying to provide a balanced point of view.
This week we imagined that someeone had given Mrs Lyons a lovely gift- then she trampled and jumped on it! We used this analogy to think about how our bodies are a gift from God and we need to take care of them. We looked at lots of different ways that we could do this and we thanked God for our bodies. With Mrs Mather in Science, children learned all about how fossils are formed and even looked at Mrs Lyons’ collection! Next week, children can bring in a rock if they have one at home they would like to display on our rock table.
In English this week, we have been busy writing lots of character descriptions this week, as well as practising vital reading skills involving inference.
In maths, we have learned about multiplying and dividing by 100 and also had a really good crack at the 7x table. We are starting to think about multiplying with multiples of 10 eg 5 x 70 and we have learned to make the answer 10 times bigger.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are as follows:
A Roger Robin certificate goes to Georgia for knowing when to stand up to injustice and for feeling compassion for others. You are becoming such a mature young lady.
A Bobby Bee certificate goes to Nicola for striving to meet her reading targets and push herself. Well done for putting in the time Nicola and for being so enthusiastic in your learning.
Swimming stars were Millie, Owen, Franek, Anncia, Christian, Leon and Nicola
Music stars were
Year 4 children are now invited to join choir which takes place on Mondays after school until 4:00. It will be from Monday 4th April.
If your child wants to join, please fill in the form below.
Monday and Friday after school classes will be coming to an end on Friday 1st April. We have been so pleased with the children’s dedication and progress in these booster sessions. It has really made a difference. Thank you so much children for your extra time and to parents and staff for supporting them. We are hoping in the Summer term to offer some maths booster classes after school to children who need it.
SCHOOL TRIP NEWS - Tuesday 29th March. We are walking through St Annes square and onto the beach to examine rocks, look at buildings and find fossils! There will be no cost to this trip but we are hoping to have our lunch on the beach, so a packed lunch in a plastic bag will be needed. They will be using the plastic bag to carry their rocks back to school.
SCHOOL TRIP - Friday 22nd April Tatton Park.
The cost of the trip is £26 however, school are subsidising £6 so you have £20 to pay on Parentpay. We will need children to be in early on this day - 8:30 and they will return to school at approximately 3:45pm
To enhance our History learning, children will be able to dress up for the day as either Anglo-Saxons or Vikings!
SWIMMING CONTINUES on Mondays and Thursdays - prompt at 8.30am. It will finish at Easter but we are hoping to take swimming back up in June, in the final half term. I will keep you posted.
Enjoy your weekend everyone. God Bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.