" If you don't have a shadow you're not in the light!"

Shadows have played a big part in our week this week. In science we have made shadow clocks and explored how our shadows change throughout the day (photos below). In maths we have really gone deep with our understanding of multiplies of 10, 100 and 1000 and then we finished the number work exploring TU XTU - we modelled and made links back to our understanding of scaling (10 x bigger). Mrs Nel took the children for our shape lesson on symmetry- it all got very practical- cutting, folding and placing mirrors. We have also focused much of our time on RE this week. Our topic is “reconciliation” and we are working through our lessons exploring sin, mercy, compassion and conscious. This is all leading to a deeper understanding of the Crucifixion. This led nicely onto our assembly practice - we will be performing for you in the hall on Thursday April 7th 9:15am. The hall is very busy at present as all the classes from Year 2- Year 6 have an assembly. We took advantage of the fine weather and practiced on the field. I think this is gong to be another highlight of our year. Mrs Curtis continued with our Cams project in DT and Madame Jefferson introduced us to clothes in French. In Music on Monday, Mrs Mallinson recorded some of our Jazz compositions - very funky. We turned too back to Geography - we have left this subject for a little while so the children were keen to find out more about their world. We are studying North America - next week we are focusing in on Jamaica!


Next week on Wednesday. We will be walking form school to St. Joseph’s in Ansdell. We will be walking in our PE kits- nice comfy trainers for walking please. We will be carrying our water bottles and one healthy snack. Once we arrive at St. Joseph’s we will enter the church to take part in a class worship - dedicating our walk to those people around the world who strive against hunger every day. Please support us by donating to CAFOD.


Our Grow your brain certificates went to: Kai and James - both enthusiastic Bobby Bee!

Last week our certificates went to: The Whole Class for their work on Shakespeare and Thomas for his wonderful performance- he opened the whole festival up in style!!!

French Stars: Jack and Jessica


Wednesday March 30th - Walking Against Hunger

Thursday April 7th Class assembly 9:15am

PE days: Tuesday and Friday.