Such glorious weather......

The fabulous weather this week has meant that we have been able to take full advantage of the garden. You may have noticed the building works happening on the top part of the garden. We are having a new (even bigger) made, new planting boxes and a stage for budding West End performers! Hopefully it will be completed by the end of next week, we are all very excited.

Thank you for your continued support of our Lenten appeal. To date we have collected £115.06! Wow that’s fantastic, thank your so much for your generosity.

It was lovely to see some of our families face to face at the Key Person meetings this week. Thank you for all your kind words in support of nursery, it is really appreciated. Michelle meetings are on Monday, if you haven’t managed to book an appointment yet just drop her an email. I also will look forward to catching up with you.

Key Persons Blog

Another exciting week in nursery with lots of outdoor play whilst the sun is shining. We have continued to enjoy our beach area with all the lovely new sand we had delivered. We have also got a bit wet with our outdoor water play area but we soon dried off in the warm weather.

We’ve continued to practice our fundamental movement skills with hopping, jumping, running and throwing and catching. This lovely weather has enabled us to enjoy our Cafod ‘Walk for Hunger’ around the school field. We’ve even had snack times outside enjoying the sunshine.

The children have continued to explore the fantasy/mythical theme and have made their own magic wands so be careful you don’t get turned into a frog and listen out for spells being cast by your little budding wizards and witches.

The children have also made their own dragon egg. We will be sending them home next week for them to take care of. Our eggs at nursery have hatched and we now have baby dragons somewhere in the garden!

This week we have introduced a new Number Block friend ‘number 6’. We have been practicing number recognition skills through playing games such as snakes and ladders and throwing a giant dice. Why not have a games evening at home, it’s great fun ( and sometimes rather competitive!).

Click here to watch the Number 6 video.

All the children have been very busy making some wonderful treats for a very special day on Sunday. It has been lovely to hear why the children love their mummies so much, enjoy your weekend.

Colette, Hannah, Justine, Michelle and Frances

Some of our parents have been asking about letter formation. I have sent home this week a Read, Write Inc letter formation sheet to help you at home. If you haven’t received it click on the button below.

As promised last week here’s a little teaser for the children, Where is Fairy Love? I wonder if they can tell you where in nursery or school she is?


This week we will be continuing our Easter Journey. click on the button below to read the story at home.

We have also started to learn the Hail Mary. One of our friends bought us a beautiful book to help us remember the words. It is called ‘Hail Mary. A book of Prayer’, illustrated by Julianna Swaney.

This week when we visited the chapel it was truly joyous. We all sang like angels whilst Colette played the guitar. It is so moving to see the children’s faces as they sing. Next week we will try to take pictures but we really don’t want to spoil the moment.

Next week we have lots of Easter activities planned including eating hot cross buns…mmmmmmm. Watch this space.

Lastly, I have it on good authority that the weather is going to be splendid this weekend so enjoy it and have some family fun!

Stay safe
