Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The week that changed the world continues to change our lives.'


Lent is the perfect time to think about all of the things that we are grateful for and to be generous with our time, love and almsgiving. Our RE unit of work this half term focuses on the lessons that we can learn from Jesus from His experiences during Holy Week that ultimately led to his death. Although we always recognise that Palm Sunday is a happy occasion when Jesus enters Jerusalem, it is also tinged with sadness as He knows why he has arrived.

I am so excited for you to be finally able to see an assembly in school. On Friday 8th April, the children will be performing their assembly for parents at 9.10am. There is space for two adults per child in the hall. Please can you complete the form, by clicking on the button below, to indicate if you will be attending and if there will be one or two adults attending. The children all have lines, please can you help them to practise and speak with emotion and empathy.

After a week of preparation for the end of year assessments, we had a much needed science session on Thursday. Our investigation was titled, ‘Is yeast a living thing?’ With a balloon, some yeast, sugar and water, we soon saw that the balloon inflated. This proved that yeast excretes carbon dioxide - it is indeed a living thing.

The children should have shared with you their scores from this week’s papers and their progress. Please email if you would would like any further information or guidance. It is crucial that the children have their revision folders in class every day so that information can be added to them. The definitely need them on Monday so that they can have feedback on their maths paper. Please remind the children. Thank you!

I am finding in class that the children have a varying understanding of time. This ranges from being able to tell the time on a digital and analogue clock to being able to read timetables and add and subtract time. Please can you have a look at this with your child at home. We will be visiting this in class just before Easter.

Leading Learners

I could not choose two certificates this week, I had to choose four!

Four determined learners who have really shown themselves just what they can do when they believe in themselves and have faith in their own ability.

Well done Zac, Lily, Ava and Mark

Football Pride

How wonderful it was to finally get back out there playing school sport after such a long time. Last Tuesday, 10 Year 6 children headed off to AKS to represent the school at the local cluster tournament. It took a few matches to find our stride but once we did, the children played incredibly well. They were humble, respectful and celebratory of everyone. Well done to you all!

Netball Tournament - Thursday 31st March 2022

The following girls will be representing the school at the netball tournament next Thursday.

Kaya, Elise, Olivia, Georgia, Ava, Bella, Lily L, Emma

At Monday’s final training session, the girls will be given their netball skirt. Please can they wear a white polo shirt, navy shorts and white socks in addition.

All girls will need to be collected from school at 1.30pm and taken to AKS netball courts for the tournament. If any of the girls are going with another adult to their parent, please do let me know. Please ensure that they have enough fluids and snacks for the afternoon. Once I have established a finish time, I will let you know.


  • Friday 8th April 9.10am - Year 6 Easter Assembly.

  • Unfortunately, Mr Nay has injured his knee and will be unable to run after school clubs until after Easter. We will be pausing football after school at this point.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gregan