Year 1 Weekly Blog 14.10.22

We have had another exciting week in Year 1.

In English we thought about how we could trap the Evil Pea. We had lots of great ideas such as hiding in the classroom and throwing a blanket over him, making a trap with a rope and net, we decided the best way would to be make jelly and trap him, like they do in the book.

We loved making jelly, we all worked hard together and then we wrote up the instructions. The next day we discovered that we had caught the Evil Pea Army. We had lots of ideas how they managed to get stuck in the jelly such as: using the jelly as a trampoline, singing with their eyes closed and not seeing the jelly and eating the jelly and getting stuck.


We have been counting up to 100 in Maths can you practise this at home? We have used the rekenreks and concrete apparatus to compare numbers up to 10. Using the language greater than, less than and equal to, to make these comparisons.


Also, this week, we started our Kidsafe programme  - A series of lessons which teach children about keeping themselves safe
This week, we focused on trust and completed a trust building exercise. We also thought about the Feelings we get when we are feeling sad, scared and/or worried and how we more listen to what our body is telling us. Please read the letter below, explaining this approach and the first lesson in more detail.

Our music lessons have been great we have loved learning this song and we were excited to record our performance for the blog.


Well done to our awardees:

Bobby Bee: for super concentration and brilliant phonics work.

Lizzie Ladybird: for trying really hard during carpet input and feeling proud of yourself when completing independent work.

Henry is going home with this person, for being an enthusiastic learner especially during English you have used your phonics knowledge to support your reading and writing, well done.


  • Thank you for all the donations of long life milk.

  • Parents’ Day on Monday 17th October. Have you booked your meeting?


Have a great weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson