‘Happy times are never ending when we’re playing and pretending!’

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun - that’s certainly how it feels in Reception!
I can’t quite believe that we have almost reached the end of this half term, but despite the weeks of new routines and lots of learning, the children are still coming to school with enthusiasm and ready for more challenges.

It’s been another busy week with our school photographs on Wednesday (don’t worry, the painting station was closed until all photographs had been taken!) and we also had a special Art lesson with Miss Neves. The children were really excited to visit the Art classroom and my goodness were they excellent role models; Miss Neves was very impressed!

(Please be sure to read the important notices section below as there is some information regarding upcoming events).

What have we been learning this week…

We have really enjoyed reading the ‘Colour Monster’ this week and have been thinking about the different feelings and emotions that we have. We thought about times when we have felt sad, happy, angry, scared, confused, calm or loved and what can happen to make us have these feelings. We talked about how these can sometimes be 'big feelings’ and what we can do to help.
Reception have also learnt the Makaton signs (sign language) for each of these feelings - maybe they can teach you them at home!

This week, as well as reviewing all of our previously learnt sounds, we have introduced the sounds i, n, p, g, and o. We have focused on making the correct sound, identifying words that begin with the sound and writing the letter. We used fun rhymes to help us learn the correct letter formation and have continued to add lots of words to our sound book! The children were really proud to bring home their word books, I hope you have enjoyed reading these together at home - I know they were excited to share what they have learnt!
(I hope you found the video links useful for introducing / explaining a little bit about the RWI programme that we follow in school. I will leave these in reading packets for those who have not had chance to view them yet).

Maths Mastery: This week, we have been exploring the composition of numbers. We began by using the sentence “one and another one is two” to explore the composition of two and then thought about what we have two of and what we could find two of around the classroom.

Let’s Celebrate!

These children are celebrated in our whole school assembly each Friday. We have also introduced a Butterfly award which celebrates the children who have demonstrated some of our school virtues during the week.

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Emilia
Emilia, you have such a wonderful attitude towards learning and a genuine excitement when engaging in all of our activities in school. You rise to any challenge with positivity and a huge smile! I know that with your enthusiasm you will have a fantastic learning journey in Reception and we can’t wait to see how much you achieve!
Well done Emilia!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Toby
Toby, you have been such a Co-operative Roger Robin this week. You recognise how important it is to work as a team and each day you have been thinking of ways that you can help your friends and you teachers too! Thank you for being such a wonderful role model in our class!
Well done Toby!

Loving and compassionate Butterfly award: Olivia He
Olivia, you are always so loving and caring towards your friends and your teachers. You notice when someone needs help and you show them compassion. You do this without even being asked, you do it because you know its good to be kind. Thank you for taking such good care of your friends and of our classroom. Your acts of kindness do not go unnoticed; well done Olivia!


Thank you so much for your generous donations. The children were so proud to see what they have collected together and to hear about how this will help people in our community. Although Reception will not be joining the Harvest Mass at church, (we don’t want to overwhelm them with too much too soon!) the children will be having their own special reflection in school.

Important Notices:

  • Parents Meetings: Polite reminder that these will take place online on Friday 21st October. These appointments can be booked via the link on the 'Weekly Newsletter’ page.

  • Congratulations to green Marsden who have earned the most house points this half term. As a special celebration, they can come to school in their own clothes on Thursday 20th November. Wear something green to make the celebration really special! (This could be a green item such as a green top, socks or headband etc.)

  • The children finish at the normal times of 3:15pm and 3:25pm on Thursday 20th October for a well deserved half term break!

  • We will be arranging a ‘stay and play’ afternoon for our Reception families which will take place after the half term break. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to come and spend some time in the classroom and see just how busy we have been in Reception!
    More information coming soon…!

  • Change of PE day - due to a slight change of our timetable, Reception will now have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,

The Reception Team