Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 14.10.22

This week’s home learning is online.


Please read for at least 20 minutes every day.


This week we’ve been making numbers with tens and ones. Play the shark numbers game below.

IXL Maths

Please complete section B.2 B.3


We’ve learnt all about adjectives this week. Can you find the adjectives in the game below?

IXL English

Please complete section KK.3


Spellings to learn this week:

The n sound spelt kn and gn - knew    know    knot    knife    gnome    gnaw

High frequency words spellings to learn this week:

Set 5a - all look one was were what

Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays. Below I have attached some creative ideas for how to learn spellings. Spellings can also be written out in home learning books if you wish.

Miss Woodend