Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.10.22- ' Persistence guarantees that results are inevitable'

We are coming to the end of our first half term in Year 5! It is hard to believe that we have been back for 6 weeks but the children have really persisted with the step up in expectations and responsibilities. I think they have all deserved their half term rest next week.

This week, we have really stepped up our focus on our class novel ‘Antigone’. The children have shown a real interest in our story, as it relates to our history topic of Ancient Greece, along with the drama and dialogue between all of our characters. The children have been using the text to infer how the characters are feeling and have been predicting what happens next in our story.

In Maths, we have started our new unit of decimal fractions and looking how tenths can be represented both as a fraction and a decimal. The children have been able to apply this to physical representations and use mathematical language to apply reasoning.

We are also coming to a close on our big writing modules for the half term, with the children in the final stages of completing their non-chronological reports in history and their persuasive letter in RE. The children have taken a lot of independence in these modules and have completed some quality work.

This week Mrs Mather also introduced the class to the ‘Eco Council’, which is exclusive to Year 5. This is an opportunity for children to be given the responsibility to serve the school in protecting and looking after the school and community in an eco-friendly way. This will consist of collecting and emptying the compost bins around the school, keeping our garden and plans in a good condition and also to offer some community service. The children that volunteered for this role are:

Charlie Rosa

Nicola Owen

Tabby Ruby-Lily

Iris Lily-Mae

Franek Georgia

Let’s Celebrate

Connor Sean for being a focused learner- Connor Sean, you are such a hard working and focused learner No matter what subject we are learning, Connor Sean gives 100% and is always taking part in all activities. You set an example everyday to your classmates, especially with your eagerness to learn, which is seen during our morning task. You are a delight to teach!

Tabby for being a determined learner- Regardless of your very busy sporting life outside of school, you still come into school everyday and complete all of your work. You don’t let any outside factors get in the way of your learning which shows that you are a determined learner. Well done Tabby!

Compassion butterflies- Our act of kindness moment this week goes to Charlie for always encouraging his peers throughout their tasks, when playing our learning games, and for always being one of the first children to offer support to others. Your behaviour and compassionate personality has really made you a model pupil in the school.


Harvest Festival- Thank you to all of those who have brought in tins of tuna to donate to our harvest. Our harvest mass will be on Monday 17th October. If you would like to bring in a tin of tuna to donate for Monday morning then that would be hugely appreciated.

Art t-shirts- Some children still need to bring in an art t-shirt to wear for our art lessons which are on a Tuesday.

Parents Day- Will take place on Friday 21st October. Please make sure you have booked online. The link to book an appointment is at the bottom of the whole school newsletter.
