This week....

What a soggy old week!!!

We started the week by thinking about all the parts of our body that help us to do things, without us realising, such as our brain, heart, lungs, stomach….you get where I’m going with this?! First we watched a short video about body parts. Click here to watch at home. We then went for a jog around the garden to exercise our heart! When we came back to nursery we felt our heart beating inside our body….that was really exciting!

We have continued to talk about our thinking machine (brain), breathing machines (lungs) and stomach and what happens to the bits of food and drink we eat that our bodies don’t’ use! That was a very interesting conversation! BUT the message was very clear if we eat unhealthy foods there is no goodness for our bodies to take and store! I must remember that this weekend!

Colette’s Key Group

Hello everyone! What another busy week!

We have continued to look at our wonderful bones and we know that our smallest bone is in our ear (called a stirrup) and the largest bone is in our leg (called the femur!) We have danced our skeleton dance and continued to move and shake our bones in our hall time!

Numbers have also been around Nursery this week! The number 3 Numberblock has made an appearance and we have been singing the song ‘1, 2, 3 everybody look at meclick here to watch and join in at home!

The children have been noticing that even more leaves and sycamore seeds have been  falling down from the trees so we have enjoyed sweeping them in to piles and looking at all the different colours. Some of us have made our own paintings using the beautiful Autumn colours!

We have certainly noticed that it is getting a bit colder now....I had better start looking for my favourite bobble hat for after the half term holiday!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend together.


Stephanie’s Key Group

Hello everyone! It has been so lovely to be with the children again this week! We have enjoyed spending time in the garden and the big hall developing our physical skills – we also managed to practice our numbers doing this too! We made some ‘action cards’ together – you could try this at home. We used the numbers we have already met – 1 and 2 and our new number this week, 3! We had to do 1 hop, 2 claps, 3 jumps – my favourite was 3 wiggles! The children’s favourite was definitely 10 ‘unicorn jumps!’ – something new for me to learn! It was great fun.

We have also been counting around the classroom – I’ve heard lots of comments this week - ‘I have 2 bears’, ‘I have 2 ice creams’, ‘I have 3 plates’. Some of us even noticed if we join 2 and 1 together it makes 3. You can watch Numberblock 3 here .

This week we have spoken all about teeth and how to care for them. You should all have taken a toothbrush and toothpaste home with you – we’d love to see some photos of you using them! We have spoken about foods that are better for our teeth and some that we shouldn’t have all the time to help keep our teeth healthy.

We practised our positional language – some of us have found this a bit tricky and this video helped us practise the language: click here. The children loved trying to spot where the monkey was hiding next! Try it at home and see if your child can remember how to describe where the monkey is. We also explored this by making a train in the garden, asking our friends who they were sitting in front of or who was behind them. Positional language can help your child to be more independent – many instructions in school will involve them understanding where they need to be, or where something is that they might need e.g. ‘your snack is in your tray’, ‘the cups are on the shelf’.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


Michelle’s Key Group

This week we have continued our learning about our bodies. We worked as a team to build the skeleton, making sure we put the bones in the right place. Great team work everyone!

We have also been very busy practising our sticky kids songs. This is a new song that we have loved this week. Click here to have a go at home!!! I hope you have lots of energy!!!

When we run, we can feel that our hearts are beating very fast. We know this mans we are getting lots of exercise and looking after our bodies.

We have also learnt about foods that are good for us and foods that are not so good for us and some of these foods are not very good for our teeth. Hopefully, you will all have found the new toothbrush and toothpaste in your book bags, we hope you use them to keep your teeth shiny and white.

We used some healthy foods and did some art work, making prints with apples and oranges. This was a bit messy but we concentrated to make a pattern of three.

We continued our healthy exercises by riding the bikes and computers in the garden. We are trying really hard to use the pedals on the bikes, its tricky but ewe are getting really skilled at this. We have also been practising putting our coats on by ourselves, this is something we can all practise at home too!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.



We would like to thank everyone for coming to parents meetings. All the team have been overwhelmed by your lovely comments. You must believe us when we say it is an absolute privilege to be able to work alongside yourselves and your children. There truly is no better job. Thank you.

Next week will be a shorter week as we close for half term on Thursday. I think we are all in need of a rest and recharge. If you click on the button below you will be able to see what we will be learning…we will also be continuing with our mighty quest to make healthy choices and look after our bodies. On Monday the children will be joining with Reception for a short Harvest Festival assembly. I must thank everyone for all their kind donations, you have been so generous.

 Have a fabulous weekend everyone and I will see you next week.

God Bless
