What a busy week full of learning we have had in Year 6, we have not stopped! Our fractions work is in full flow, as we have now moved on from subtracting fractions to finding fractions of quantities. The children have used various cocrete materials to model finding equal parts (fractions) of amounts and as they have moved on to more abstract maths have now seen the link and the importance of knowing their multiplication and division facts. In English this week, we have got up to chapter 6 in our class novel and have delved deeper in to the plot and characters, as we prepare to write out diary entry next week.
During our class liturgy we looked at how to pray the rosary in more detail and mediated on one of joyful mysteries of Christ. During RE the children researched and wrote up information on two people who help to bring the Kingdom of God on Earth, Therese of Lisieux and Mother Theresa. Science today was all about challenging ourselves independently making a circuits, drawing them up and explaining why they would or would not work. We also looked at four famous gentlemen who contributed to invention and he progression of electricity- why not ask your children for more information and see if they can retrieve what they have learnt today!
This week, we have done our second kidsafe lesson. This week it was all about the nature of bullying. We learned the acronym STOP Several Times on Purpose. We thought about how bullying can make us feel and what to do about it.
Year 6’s ‘Bikeability’ training is set to start the first day back after half term (Monday 31st October) and then again the following Monday (Monday 7th November). Please remember to send your children in to school with their bikes, where they are able to keep them in our school’s bike rack, as you come in the school gates on Kenilworth Road. All Year 6 children with their bikes may come through this entrance on these days. Please note, that we will not be able to keep bikes here over night.
The first morning of their training will take place on the school playground, where they will complete level 1 of their ‘Bikeability’ course. Following assessment, only those that pass this level will progress on to the next stage in the afternoon and then the following week, where they will continue their training on the roads around the school. This gives you enough time to get those bikes out and get practicing in preparation for after half term. This will also be part of the children’s homework over half term.
Leading Learners
Well done to Stephanie and Julia this week.
Stephanie, Thank you for your wonderful Mathematics work over the last couple of weeks. You found the fractions work challenging to begin with, but you showed such determination and resilience in your approach, never giving up, seeking advice and learning from mistakes. All vital skills needed in Year 6 and look at you now- mastering your fractions!
Julia, thank you for your whole approach to learning. You show so many of the learning characteristics it’s difficult to decide which one t give you. You push yourself in every lesson challenging yourself, listening, reflecting and doing your best in every piece of work.
Kind and compassionate butterflies
We have been on the look out for acts of kindness and compassion this week. Pure love and kindness has been shown in abundance this week. It definitely makes our classroom a happier and a richer place for it. Thank you to Abi. There have been so many times this week when you have gone out of your way to help someone in class. Thank you for all that you do!
Helpers in the mornings:
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Asher Mason Jacob M Holly
Please send children in full school uniform in line with our school policy, children will not be allowed to wear hoodies or jumpers that are not part of our school uniform.
Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.
Thank you for all of your donations of tinned fruit for Harvest. They are all greatly appreciated!
Parents’ Day on Friday 21st October. Have you booked your meeting?
The children finish at the normal times of 3:15pm and 3:25pm on Thursday 20th October for a well deserved half term break.