“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” – Carl Jung

Every day we see the creation of something special whilst the children play. The creation of friendships and the forming of stronger bonds, is what makes time spent on the playground so special. As a staff, we can not thank the children enough for their love, kindness and compassion towards one another, it truly is humbling to see. Each and every child is a true gift from God.

As the half term comes to a close, the children’s enthusiasm for thinking up new games to play has not faltered. Role playing has given them hours of fun as they step into another persons shoes to become whoever they want to be. A plethora of sporting activities has kept the children on their toes, continuously developing those key skill. Whatever the children have played, they have done so with a smile on their faces, laughter in their tummies and with a sense of belonging.


 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 6

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week: Hudson Y3 and Erin Y4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners:  Tilly S Y3 and Luke Y4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 5

Role Model of the Week: Dominic, Y5 and Grace, Y6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Betsy, Y5 and Kai, Y6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Leo P, Reception, Sasha Y1 and Myles, Y2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Daisy, Reception, Henry O Y1, and Mia- Grace, Y2



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!

Table of the Half Term.

Congratulations to Reception for being Table of the half term. You have all settled in so beautifully, it is as though you have always been with us!

Have a lovely, restful half term.

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team