This week...

What a week! We have been finding out all about our skeleton and where it is hiding! We have looked at the skeletons of animals too!!!

Making fruit Kebabs

This week we made healthy fruit kebabs…mmmmmm, they were yummy! We chopped up the fruit and then carefully put the pieces onto a kebab stick!


Me, My Body, My Health

Over the next few weeks we will be meeting the story book characters of Freddy Teddy, Mollie the Cat and Billy Bird.

We will be learning about our uniqueness, including celebrating differences and individual gifts, talents and abilities. We will be have been learning about looking after and using their God-given bodies. Click on the button to look at this weeks slides.

Stephanie’s Blog

Sadly Steph is poorly so hasn’t been in nursery since Monday. We are missing her lots! So guess what…. I have been a stand in for your children this week! It’s been great fun.

On Monday we met Henry our skeleton. We talked about all the bones in our body and how they work! We found our there are 206 bones in our skeleton and they help up to stand up, run, wave, hop and dance, in fact they help us to do EVERYTHING! We have chalked a picture of our skeleton, have a look at the picure of our busy bones display!

Click here to find out more about body parts.

We have also been talking about how to stay health and the foods we should be eating. We played a game where we had to make our meal only using healthy choices! Click here to watch what humans need to stay healthy. There is even a quiz at the end! Next week we will be finding out about how to take care of our teeth!

In PE we danced to the bones song. Click here to do it at home!

Number 2 is still being explored click here to watch and sing along to the Number Rap 2!

Hopefully Steph will fit and well and be able to come back to nursery next week.

Enjoy your weekend


Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone! The weather has been so mixed this week. One minute raining, then sunny, windy and one day it was so windy we had to wrap up really warm. The wild wind has delivered us a huge amount of sycamore seeds all over the garden. As you can imagine, we have just had to throw them up in the air and pretend they were helicopters!!! We seem to have an amazing number of ladybirds too (lots of spots to count!)

We began the week looking at our lovely bones and talking about the fact that we all have a skeleton inside our bodies, if we had no skeleton we would all be like a wibbly wobbly jelly. We have made some chalk drawings of our skeletons….they looked so amazing that we even made a skeleton display! We had fun dancing to a skeleton dance . Why don’t you try it at home? Click here.

We have enjoyed our hall time this week with lots of walking, head, shoulders, knees and toes (watch out it goes really fast at the end), the stand-up sit down song and some lovely cool down time too.

What another busy week!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend together.

Kind regards


Michelle’s Blog

This week we have continued to learn about our bodies and have produced some fantastic pictures of our skeletons using chalk. We have learnt the names of our bones and how to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Did you now we have 206 bones in our body?

As well as looking after our skeletons we have also had fun learning about how we can keep our bodies healthy by eating healthy food. We made delicious fruit kebabs. They were lovely.

We have continued to learn all about number one and number two. We had a tricky challenge to work out how many of our body parts we have one of and how many we have two of and make a number chart. This made us use our brains to think really hard. But we got it in the end.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.

We have had lots of soup donation for our Harvest Festival…thank you soooo much for your generosity! Have you tried the Harvest Samba yet?

It’s been a bit of a wet and windy week and the children have been reluctant to go into the garden…especially on Friday. Wow we had never seen rain like it! We wondered if we should start to build and Ark! One of the children suggested that we bet a boat.

Let’s hope this weekend isn’t too rainy.

Have a restful weekend and see you on Monday.

God Bless
