Year 3 Blog 7.10.22 - "No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else." P.T. Barnum

We have had great fun in English this week, creating actions for our story the Lion and the Mouse and using this to help us to re-write the opening paragraph. We have a class of enthusiastic and curious learners, all creating wonderful pieces of writing. We paid particular attention towards including adjectives to describe nouns, along with using the right determiners before a noun. We have been so impressed to see this within their writing. Well done Year 3!

In maths we have moved on from 3 addend sums, using this knowledge to help us begin to bridge over the 10. The children are already becoming confident at splitting an addend into 2 parts to help make the equation much simpler to answer. For example taking the sum 7 + 5 and changing it to 7 + 3 + 2, making that all important 10 first. This is something we will continue to build on next week.

The children we all buzzing with excitement as they learnt all about their assembly which we will now be practising ready for our performances in a couple of weeks. The message we aim to share with our audience is that we are all special and our assembly is based on the story of Punchinello. You might like to read this story at home, or watch it being re-told on youtube. We cannot wait to share our assembly with you all.

This week our KIDSAFE lesson has focussed on bullying and the “Yukky Feelings” that this can cause. Please read the letter below to find out more about the session.


Sean for being a wonderful Roger robin! We have been full of happiness watching you this week Sean! You have set yourself the goal to help those around you and because of this, we have seen lots of smiley faces! Quietly, you have helped others to organise themselves, carry their belongings and supporting them in their learning. Thank you Sean, your kind actions have not gone unnoticed!

Rory for being a creative Kiki chameleon! We were so impressed with your efforts during our writing this week. You were determined to think differently and develop your vocabulary, innovating our story with lots of fantastic vocabulary! A huge well done Rory, we hope you always keep this thirst for knowledge, it is wonderful!


Tempest Photographs: On Wednesday 12th October it is School photographs day. Since this is our PE day, you can choose to send your child in their school jumper and tracksuit bottoms if you prefer their photos to be school uniform.

Assembly: Year 3’s assembly is on Tuesday 18th October at 9:10 and 9:35. We hope you will be able to come along to watch us perform!

Harvest: With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 3 are collecting tinned custard, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.

Parents day. Friday 21st we have our online parents day. Above you will find the teacher that you are to book an appointment with.

We hope you have a great weekend!

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter