Year 5 Weekly Blog 07.10.22- ' Today a reader, tomorrow a leader'

I’m not sure about you but this week has flown by! Only two weeks left until the children have finished their first half term in year 5. We have come to end of the first week in October and it is fair to say that the weather has definitely started to turn. The consistent rain and strong winds meant that we had to cancel our sports fixtures this week. We also had to move our PE lessons indoors, where we had a classroom lesson learning about the importance of physical activity and a healthy balanced diet. I can’t emphasize how excited the children were about writing on the tables rather than in their books.

As always, at school we put a huge emphasis on reading and how important it is for the children’s development. This week, the children have been given personal targets with their reading books , in which plenty of learning points are up for grabs. We also started our class novel this week ‘Antigone’. The children have clearly been paying attention in their history lessons because they quickly realised that our novel takes place in Ancient Athens.

In writing, the children have began to plan two separate writing modules across different subjects. In History, we have been writing a non-chronological report on the rise of Athens, where the children have really got into the swing of explaining their answers. In RE, we have been planning a persuasive letter , writing to catholic MP member Mark Menzies. The letter evolves around our topic ‘Stewardship of the Earth’ and how ourselves and the government can help prevent climate change.

In Maths, We have finished our place value and rounding unit and the children are ready to start decimals. This will be an interesting topic as the children have not covered this throughout their earlier years so we will have our hands full.

Let’s Celebrate

Harvey for being a brave learner- Harvey has shown such great resilience this week as we have overloaded our writing modules and really asked the children to work independently with their writing. Harvey has really focused on improving his handwriting and focus in lessons which has started to really pay off. I can’t wait to see you progress even more throughout the year.

Franek for being an inquisitive learner- As a school we are very keen to promote a pleasure for learning and Franek definitely shares that pleasure. This week, he was eager to show the class a reading award that he has deservingly won, in which Franek has read 50 books. This is an amazing achievement for a child of your age. Keep it up Franek!

Compassionate butterfly- Our act of kindness this week has been won by Anncia. She is always so kind to all of her classmates and is a delight to be around. Her positive and kind hearted attitude really brings joy to the classroom. The fact that this award was nominated by one of her classmates really speaks volume to her personality.


Consent and medical forms- I am still waiting on some parents to complete their consent and medical forms for their child. A link for these forms are available in last weeks blog.

NHS Flu Vaccinations- Are available for children, which will take place next week. More information is available on the school blog.

School photos- On Wednesday 12th October is the school photos day. This is our PE day so you can send your child in tracksuit bottoms and a school jumper if you would prefer their photos to be in school uniform.

Harvest festival- Monday 17th October will be our harvest celebration at church. Please can children bring in tins of tuna to give to local food banks.