Year 6 Weekly Blog - "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."

Kindness doesn’t cost anything, it is something that we can all give and it makes our world a better place. This week, in our council meeting we shared the acts kindness we have seen within our class and celebrated those children. Another one of the Kingdom of God values. Seeing little acts of kindness around the classroom and on the playground throughout the week has been really lovely, and of course being active in the choices that we make. We have even started a kindness jar, where we add the acts of kindness we see throughout the day and share these with everyone.

Year 6 have been doing some wonderful learning this week. Our class novel ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ is in full swing and we are making so many great predictions as we read. We have explored the characters this week in detail, looking at their main characteristics and how they are brought to life through blended action, dialogue and description. We have also been closely thinking about their thoughts and feelings, and have written a diary in the perspective of Daniel, the main character. We thoroughly enjoyed the last day of our ‘Bikeability’ and of course our cooking afternoon with Mrs Lyons- the crumble puddings looked delicious! Here are some magic moments from the week …

This week, we have done our second kidsafe lesson. This week it was all about the nature of bullying. We learned the acronym STOP Several Times on Purpose. We thought about how bullying can make us feel and what to do about it.

Harvest Plea

Thank you so much for the long life milk/juice that have come in to school this week, please could we ask if you haven’t already donated to contribute to this charity that is in desperate need.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week Year 6 will only be helping on Thursday and Friday. We have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Owen Iris Max Charlie


We are really looking forward to going away next week, it is a perfect way to all come together and learn more about one another. We are asking all children to arrive at school at 9:30am on Monday morning, they will come though the main gate and office, where we will gather in the hall to wait for the coach and receive any medication that we will need for the children. School will be open if you are unable to drop your child at this later time. During this time, you are more than welcome to either say your goodbyes then or hang about and wave your children off.

If your child does need medication for the week, then please make sure that this is clearly labelled with their name and is with the form. The form is below and there will be spares on the day if you have not got a printer.

We can assure you that this week, we will love and look after your children, whilst making sure that they have the best time and grow deeper in their faith! Every evening their will be a post on the blog about their day and hopefully a photo or two of each group, which we will try our hardest to make sure every child is on the photographs, but please do not be worried if they are missed off.

On the Wednesday, our coach will be picking us up 1:00pm, so we aim to arrive back approximately 3:00pm. However, this is traffic dependent, so therefore, we will be in contact with school to give a more accurate time and then you will receive a text message, so you know when to come and collect them.

I know you have a kit list list which I am sure you have all studied, but just a couple of reminders of the vital items:

  • no valuable or electrical items please (apart from a hairdryer if necessary)

  • make sure all clothing items are labelled with names

  • packed lunch box filled with food and refillable bottle

  • indoor and outdoor shoes

  • a book or a notebook to write in for quiet time

  • bags will be carried by the children and have to be lifted up stairs by themselves up to their rooms, so please make sure you pack lightly.

Lastly, parents: relax and enjoy, with the reassurance that they will be in safe hands and have the BEST time!

Leading Learners

Well done to Angel, Leo and Owen and this week.

Angel, you have thoroughly got involved in learning this week and pushed yourself to be better each day. You constantly listen to feedback, reflect on it and then strive to be the best version of yourself. We are so impressed how your taking ownership of your own learning and know the best way to challenge yourself. Thank you for your efforts.

Leo and Owen- wow your resilience and drive has really impressed me in Maths this week. You came across a tricky problem, you did not give up until you got it and I loved the way this motivated you to work EVEN harder, reasoning and questioning along the way- such resilience and determination will ensure your success this year!


  • Please do visit Mrs Gregan’s blog for important information.

  • Parent’s day appointments will be held on Friday 20th October- HAVE YOU BOOKED YOURS?

  • Please go on to parent pay and see the cost for our Samlesbury Hall trip.

  • please encourage children to complete homework on time and handed in on Thursdays- it is great preparation for High School