This week....

Another busy week.

Monday was ‘messy Monday’ and oh my goodness did we make a mess! We has fairy filling with tiny implements and bottles. The sand was red and glittery!!!! We also made fluffy slime! We read the instructions very carefully but it all went horribly wrong, arghhhhhhh! In the end it was all fine, we made up a different recipe, with different ingredients. We all loved playing with it nonetheless.

We wanted to try and make sudsy gloop, get the bubble mixture and make dough but we ran out of time…..but there is always next Monday?

We are doing really well learning our Nativity songs and actions. We have now got all our costumes out of storage and will be giving out parts next week. We have got all the costumes for each part but would like to ask if everyone could bring in one strand of silver tinsel each. Stars may also need a white t-shirt and leggings to go underneath their costume but we will let you know next week.

As you know, our Foundation Stage Nativity Play is being staged on Tuesday 6th December and Wednesday 7th December at 9:30.

Each Nursery and Reception family may have up to 4 tickets at £2 each across 2 performances (no more than 2 tickets per performance). We need the form—link attached—to be completed by you no later than Friday 25th November. Tickets will only be allocated to people who have completed the form and will be sent out in envelopes via classes, the week beginning 28th November . Payment for tickets will be made on ParentPay for Reception children (Parents you will need first to activate your account using the log in letters which we are sending today). Nursery parents can pay for tickets by sending cash in a named envelope please, to Nursery.

We must point out that we have a maximum capacity of 120 ticketholders in the hall and with the stage plus 60 children, staff and audience, the Hall will inevitably be hot and somewhat crowded. We know how much everyone loves seeing their little ones but advise you, particularly if there are any vulnerable family members, to be aware that this is a confined space. We shall of course be arranging a professional digital film to be made of the play, details will be sent later.


Geraldine Giraffe

Click here for Geraldine and the ‘s’ sound.

Click here for the ‘t’ sound.

Click here for the ‘d’ sound.

Learning to Talk

he DfE have launched new online resources to promote the importance of the home learning environment to boost children’s language and socio-emotional development in the early years.

These expand the NHS Better Health Start for Life website with a full range of evidence- based, detailed and accessible advice for parents on activities you can do with your child at every stage between birth and 5 years old.

Click here to find out more.


This week we looked at examples of challenging situations that we could face. We read the story about Daisy’s birthday and that actions can sometimes have consequences; that when we make mistakes, we should say sorry and ask for forgiveness. This led us to explore how Jesus forgives us.

Click on the button to read the story at home.

Click on the next button to to look at the slides.

Visit from Stuart Robinson.

As you know we had a visit from Stuart Robinson, a rugby Paralympian. He devised a series of exercises for the children (and staff) to take part in. It was so exciting and the children loved every minute. We joined in with Reception and Year 1, cheering each other on to complete each task…..phew!

Take a look at the pictures

Colette’s Blog

We began the week by making a mess!!  For some reason we just can’t seem to help ourselves!! Our ‘mess’ involved the creation of our own fluffy slime (it did smell wonderful in Nursery!) We were very lucky with the weather in the afternoon so we were able to play outside! The children are really enjoying building their own obstacle courses and we have been noticing some great balancing skills (no one wants to fall in the hot lava or get eaten by sharks!!!) We were also able to practise our skills on the balance bikes and the scooters…. the children are getting better and better.

The children decided to make a car garage to help repair some faulty vehicles which also included a petrol station. Don’t worry……the fuel in Nursery garden is entirely free and it never runs out (there was a bit of a queue though!!)

We enjoyed dancing to the Cherry Tots in our Hall time and we were introduced to two new Cherries, ‘Shy’ and ‘Cheeky’. We think Cheeky Cherry is our favourite one yet.

I hope the weather manages to stay dry for the weekend!

See you next week.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone

What a busy week we have had this week. We are well and truly underway with our preparations for our Nativity performance and we have been practising our songs and actions.

Our Worship this week has concentrated on our actions and the consequences of our actions. We have been practising how we can make our friend happy by passing a smile and saying sorry. As always, we try to make good choices but we also need to learn what to do if we do make a bad choice. We read a story about Daisy and her birthday and made lots of good suggestions about how Daisy could make better choices. We learnt it’s important how we speak to others as this helps us to build friendships.  We also passed a smile around our circle.

We continued our investigations on shape and went on a shape hunt. The shapes were hiding everywhere!  

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week

Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

We have had another busy week! We started the week getting messy – we continued learning about colour and explored coloured sand, glitter in the playdough and made fluffy slime. This was fun and also very sticky! We spoke about how it changed when we added each ingredient. It smelt great too!

This term we are going to try and make up our own simple stories. We had a discussion as a key group and we wanted to write and learn about dinosaurs, unicorns and princesses. We have had fun dressing up as different characters and making up our stories in our play. The children also found different props and linked them to stories they already knew .e.g a red apple for Snow White. We also had a go at drawing some of our ideas – we used our story dice to help us and we came up with some great ideas for our stories. We will do more of this over the next few weeks – I can’t wait to see what the children come up with!

We have continued to enjoy outdoor play, especially the bikes this week. We have worked hard to practise pedalling the bigger bikes and added the trailer to see if we could ride the bike with our friends on the back – this was hard work! We enjoyed sitting in the back and having a relaxing ride though!

We are working hard to practise our Christmas songs ready for our Christmas Nativity. I’m sure you have heard your child singing them at home. We can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday


Here’s a few extras from Justine!

Curriculum Evening

A big thank to everyone who managed to come along to our Curriculum Evening. It was so lovely to see all our families back in school….a true community working together. Take a look at these few photos!

Children in Need Pyjama Day

What fun day! We made Pudsey Pink Playdough, coloured in Pudsey pictures, took photos of everyone with their teddy and another with our Pudsey blanket!

Have a look in the childrens books bag….there is an activity to do at home too! When you have completed it either send it back to nursery or send us a picture!

Here’s are just a few photos of our day!

Termly Drop in Session

Tuesday 29th November 3.45-4.45 pm we will be having our termly parent drop in session. If you would like a quick catch up with your child’s key person just pop along. No appointment necessary.

Advent Mass Cancelled

Sadly this year, Father is unable to come to school to conduct our Advent Masses.

Finally, here’s hoping that the weekend weather is slightly better than during the week…it’s been very wet! Christmas shopping is beckoning!!

See you on Monday!

God Bless
