Year 3 blog - "The is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."

What a week! Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you for supporting all of the extra activities that have been going on in school this week! The buzz around school has been fantastic and seeing our school community come together again has brought such happiness to us all! The children were SO excited on Wednesday when we welcomed Stuart Robinson into school. They all took part in a tricky exercise class, cheered on another class and listened beautifully to Stuart’s inspiring talk during an assembly. Thank you for being so organised with your sponsor forms, it is amazing to see the amounts that have been raised.

We have also had some really exciting moments in class as we continued our English learning about dragons! Many of our children have been looking out for any clues or signs that dragons are in our area. We have carried out interviews and have even created our own news reports which we hope to film next week.

Thank you to all of you who managed to come along to our school Curriculum evening. It was great to see you all in the school, joining in activities and discovering more about our school virtues.

Let’s celebrate…

Well done ro Louis and Logan for getting this week’s vertificates.

Logan you get a Bobby Bee Certificate for being so enthusiastic and excited about your learning. We love it when you want to share your thoughts and ideas.with your learning partner and the rest of the class. Well done, keep up the good work.

Louis you get a Cooper Crab certificate for being a focused learner in Maths this week. You have really concentrated well and this has shown in the answers that you have given and the work that you have completed. Well done. Being focused is so important in the process of learning.


Please can you check sweatshirts and cardigans. We have a couple that have been misplaced and a couple of unnamed ones left in the classroom. If your child has picked up the wrong one, please could you return it and ask your child to check to see if theirs is in class. Many thanks.

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.